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             "Ugh" you say as you wake up to your alarm clock. Another day of school, you hate it. You get out of bed and go to get ready. You sat down to eat breakfast your mom was making waffles. It was pretty quiet until you hear your brother whine "Mom, ca you get me the syrup ?" Your mom brings the syrup to your half asleep brother. She prepares to sit down to eat, until your brother says  "Mom, can you refill my drink?" as your mom gets up to get your brother a drink you set your plate in the sink and go to the bathroom so you don't have to listen to your brother boss your mom around. Also, you have start your morning routine. You have to look good just in case you see C.J. 

At School

             You see (b/f) wearing her dog ears headband. Today was animal day, due to the fact that it was spirit week because it was homecoming. Fortunately your school didn't have a homecoming dance, so you didn't have to witness all those around you being asked. It meant that you didn't have to be embarrassed when you weren't.   You were sitting in the hallway working on extra credit work. She comes up and begins talking to you. "Hey what's up?" She asks "I finally got the answer for math." You say looking at her "Oh yeah I'm sorry I couldn't text back, then I forgot you texted me." She shoves her books in her locker. "It's okay." You respond. Your guy friend (g/f) says "Hey did you guys feel math was too easy, like you did something wrong" "No but I did have trouble on one." you state "I thought it was kind of hard" states (b/f). "What are you supposed to be a cat?" ask (g/f). "A wolf so shut up (g/f)!" (B/f) almost shouted. Oh gosh did you ship them together. They hate each other, but you just think that it is sexual tension."BRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGG" the bell sounded hoards started to form in the hall as you all made your way to first period English together. 

              Life was pretty boring until after lunch, when (b/f) went up to C.J. and asked "Hey are you in our grade?", due to the fact that him being a sophomore was just speculation at this point. "No!" he said in a disgusted manner. (b/f) came back to you "Wow rude" (b/f) said. you both were turning to go to your lockers, and you saw C.J. hugging Trinity from behind. It's not that you had anything against Trinity, you were friends actually. You just hated the fact that her and C.J. were a thing. "It's too bad that they're dating."  you say. " It's even worse they make us witness it." (b/f) says. 

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