*chapter 28*

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Lucy's P.O.V.

When she hugged Ross I wanted to grab her by the hair and rip her off my boyfriend and slap the shit out of that BITCH!!

After 1 minute of hugging she pulled away.

Kendall:I hope we become great friends Ross.

Ross:me too

She looked at me and smirked, I just mouthed BITCH to her.She rolled her eyes and walked away from me and Ross.

I pulled Ross' arm and took him to the living room.

Lucy:I don't like that little hoe

I said in a loud whisper

Ross:why? she seems nice

I roll my eyes at his comment

Lucy:My ass she is nice, she may be nice to you and everybody else, but she hates me

I whispered/yelled

Ross:maybe your seeing things

Lucy:no I'm not!!, and she is flirting with you

Ross:no she's not, and even if she was I don't care I love you and only you.

He said that and gave me a passionate kiss.


Me and Ross brake away from the kiss and turn around.To my luck it was the hoe I have to start calling "friend".

Kendall:Ross can you help me with something outside??

She said in a low seductive voice.

Ross:I'll be right there


She said and walked outside.

Lucy:I don't trust her

I said looking at Ross

Ross:well your gonna have to start, because she is dating one of your best friends.


Ross:good girl

He said and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

He walked out side.

I walk over to the kitchen where Belle was

Lucy:where's Mike and Micah?

Belle:they went to get some pizza, they might be back in about 15 minutes


Belle:what's wrong?

Lucy:can I tell you something?

Belle:of course

Lucy:you promise you won't get mad??

Belle:I promise

Lucy:I don't like Kendall

Belle:why?, she is one of the sweetest girls I know!

Lucy:she might be nice to you and every body else, but she hates me, and she is flirting with Ross when she is supposed to be dating Mike!!

Belle:Lucy calm down, I know she might seem a little mean at first, but once you get to know her she is really nice

Lucy:*sigh* .....I don't know....maybe your right....

Belle:and trust me.....if she's flirting with Ross, I'm sure he will deny her because he loves you, and don't assume things your not sure of, that might cause Mike and her to brake up.

Lucy:I guess....

I say unsure while messing around with my necklace Ross got me yesterday.

Belle:that's a pretty necklace, where'd you get it?

Lucy:Ross got it for me yesterday

I say while blushing

Belle:see Lucy, that's proof that he loves you

Lucy:your right Belle, I should trust Ross.


Ross' P.O.V.

(When me and Kendall go outside)

Ross:what do you need help with?

Kendall:oh, don't be stupid.I want you.

Ross:what are you saying? aren't you supposed to be dating Mike.And besides I have an amazing girlfriend

Kendall just chuckles to herself.

Kendall:I'm just dating Mike just to have fun, it's nothing serious.But I do want something serious with you.

She said that while walking closer to me.I stepped back every time she stepped closer, until I was against the wall.

Kendall:I want you

She said that in a seductive voice.She pressed her body against mine.She grabbed my hands and put them on her waist.She leaned in, but I tuned my head away.She used her hand and turned my head so I was facing her.She was inches away from my face

Kendall:I want you, and only you

She put her hands on my neck pulling me closer to her face, she was breathing on me.She pressed herself against me.Making me get a bonner.When she felt that she smirked.

Kendall:we both know you want this

She said before crashing her lips against mine, her kiss was rough and impatient, they weren't like Lucy's kiss.Lucy's kisses where a mixed of sweetness, demanding, and fierce.

I quickly pulled away.

She was looked at me like I was stupid or something.

Ross:Don't do that ever again!!, I have a girlfriend!

Kendall:you mean that whore!?Don't make me laugh Ross, we both know I'm waaay prettier than that cow.

Ross:don't speak of her like that when she is not here to defend herself!!

Kendall:your loyal, I like that.

Ross:I'm going back in

I say while storming of, when I was about to get in she spoke up


Ross:what now!?

I say in an impatient voice

Kendall:Let me ask you something

Ross:which is.....

Kendall:did you like the kiss?


Kendall:so you did


I lied I did somewhat enjoyed it a little.

Kendall:what ever, let me have your phone number

Ross:why would I give you my phone number?!

Kendall:because you like me

Ross:I don't like you, I like Lucy

Kendall:I don't care....just remember this Ross.....I always get what I want

She whispered in my ear before stepping inside the house.



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