Chapter 1(audition)

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(y/N) p.o.v
  You slap the alarm as you here it ring.
"Oh well guess it's time to get up" you say slowly sitting up yawning. You go an take a shower changing into your (f/c) shirt (f/c)shorts An (f/c) shoes,and head down stairs.
"Hey mom what's for breakfast!" You scream for some reason really loudly as you plop down on a chair.
" it's your (f/f)!" Your mum says
"Great." You say right before you hear your phone ring.
"Who could possibly be calling this early in the morning." You scream frustrated as you accept the call.
"Hello!" You scream angrily to whoever is on the other side of that phone.
"Um I was calling to tell you there is a cast call for season two of stranger things,do you wanna audition." My agent says on the other side.
"Uh-uh obvicorsly" you stutter saying weird words because, you just heard you had a chance to play in your favorite show.
"OK your audition is at 3:00 pm tonight don't be late!" Your agent says hanging up the phone. You drop your phone in surprise , and start jumping around.
"Mom mama MOMA I GOT A CASTING CALL TO HAVE AN AUDITION TO PLAY ON STRANGER THINGS!" you say as your face turns red with excitement as you run and hug your mom.
"That's great honey what time?" She's says sweetly while chuckling.
"3:00 pm! Does this mean I can stay home from school today!?" You say with excitement.
" Of course honey!" Your mom says
"I can't believe this is so exciting!" You say running up stairs. You run in your room ,and jump on your bed grabbing your laptop. You hurry and turn it on Skype so you could video chat with your best friends Jane and Alex. You wait till they both pick the call up ,but as soon as they do you scream.
"I've got an audition for stranger things!"
"Really!?" They both say in sync
"Not lying!" You say happily.
After hours of talking to your besties you look at your watch noticing it was already 2;30 pm. So you hurry to get ready. You put on your (f/c) hoodie with your (f/c) shorts putting on your (f/c) high top converse and put your hair in a messy bun. Grabbing everything you need for your three minute trip to the audition. When you step into the building you receive a script reading things you'll have to say and act out. You step on stage not nervous but anxious because you've already auditioned for things four times with no success.
"What is your full name age and gender?" The man auditioning me says
"Uh (yfn) (ymn) (yln) and I'm 14 an a female....." you quickly say anxiously.
"Mmk now begin."the man says
~After you audition and get home~
"Mama I think I did good they said they would get in touch with me within the next few days!"you scream with anticipation.
"That's good" she responds
After long hours of anticipation you receive an unexpected call on the phone.
"Who is this!?" You say when you answer the phone.
" Is this (yfn) (yln)?" The unknown person says.
"Yes?!" You say with anticipation
" You've got the role to play Jennifer in stranger things season two." The person says
" R-really!?" You say happily
"We will fly you out to Atlanta tomorrow at 9 am so be there on time!" The man says
" Of course I will!" You say happily as the man hangs up the phone

OK guys that's all for chapter one ik it was bad but I hope you enjoy it

cut one (an actor for stranger things x reader)Where stories live. Discover now