chapter 11

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   (Y/n) pov

    I just wanted to wake up... Like it was all just some nightmare... And just wake up next to Finn on the couch, as if I just fell asleep watching tv next to him... But I couldn't. No matter how much I wanted to... I was done. I don't know what to do. Nothing could help me now... Not even Finn.

I wept into Finns shoulder.

What else could I do?

"Um... (Y/N)...?" Finn spoke softly... His words cut into me like a knife...

"Yes?" My voice shook.

"Maybe you should--"


And everything turned black.

My eyes shuttered.

And I sat up.

Wondering where I was?

The sun was shining through my curtains in my camper.

No one else was there.

I called Finn.

"Hello?" I heard Finns voice

"Finn? Can you come over"

"Sure, (y/n), be right there. You ok?"

"I'm fine" you lie as you hear him hang up the phone.Finn walked through the door, and I jumped up and hugged him. He slowly reaches down to kiss you but you interrupt him saying
"Finn... I had a nightmare..."

"Oh (y/n) you're having them too?" He says

You look at him in shock.

Noah barges in the door, tears streaming down his face.

"(Y/N), Finn, we need to talk..." Noah says. His voice breaking.

"Oh my gosh..." You whisper

"Um.. Guys I have to go film a scene. I'll be back" Finn says

"Ok" you and Noah say.
When Finn leaves Noah explains everything, like how he keeps having these dreams, and he's talked to the rest of the cast... They are too. 

Noah looks at you.

His crystal green eyes.

He leans in.


I told (y/n) everything...

I looked at her and immediately got lost in her adorable, crystal (e/c) eyes...

I leaned in...

I kissed her.

Quickly realizing that I just kissed (y/n), I pull back as fast as I can.

She's with Finn anyways...

   Finns p.o.v

  Looking back at the window I see Noah kissing (y/n). I turn around standing in shock. I thought she loved me, why would she do this. I stomp angrily into my camper slamming the door shut.


  Filled with shock relizing Noah just kissed me, I reach my hand back as far as I can slapping him right in the cheek. Leaving I visible red mark. He puts his hand on his cheek with shock in his eyes.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" I scream at him standing protectively as my face turns red with anger.

"I-im sorry." He whispers turning around walking out of my camper.

  I sigh walking out of my camper and over to finns.

  I knock on the door listening to the sound of it unlock and open. Looking down I walk inside.

"What do you want!" I hear finns voice saying angrily . I look up at his face seeing it filled with anger.

"W-whats your problem!?" You say taking a step toward him.

"You know what my problem is!" He says with anger.

  "N-no i don't." I say walking directly in front of him putting a hand on his cheek to try and calm him down.

   The only reaction I get is him taking his hands and pushing me. I tumble of falling to the ground. I feel warm tears fall down as I realise what he just did.

   I hurry and run out into the rain and run into my camper. I wipe the tears from my eyes falling to my knees.

   After hours of sitting there on my knees I grab my phone in attempt to message Finn. I send the message but it won't deliver, I try to call him but it says this number has either blocked you or been disconnected.

  Looking on every social media I see he's blocked me on every thing.

  I take my phone chunking it across the room.

  Days and days go by as we had no filming to do for a couple of weeks, I slowly grow into a deep depression.

  I decide I would go to finns house. I was kinda scared off what he would do, but this is the boy I love.

I knock on the door expecting to get no answer but sure enough he opens the door. I walk in looking down. Going days without food has made me weak. When I reach the center of his camper I just fall on my knees.

  He doesn't try to help me ,no, he just stands by the door.

"W-what did I do too you." I look up at him saying.

  Finns pov

   I stand in my camper angry ready to punch someone. I hear a knock on my door I see it's (y/n) she walks in walking up to me.

She ask me what my problem is I know she knows though. She just keeps saying it. She walks in front of me putting a hand on my cheek acting all innocent. I take all my strength and push her down. Her small body falls tumbling to the ground.

  My eyes grow wide as I realise what I just did. I see tears fall from her eyes as she stands up and storms out.

  I quickly grab my phone blocking her on everything that I had. I wasn't putting up with this.

  As days pass by sense we have no filming. I regret it, but she did deserve it. She hurt me so bad.

I hear a knock on my door. I open it knowing it's probably her I just wanna see what she has to say and how happy see is without me.

  She walks in falling to the floor.
"W-what did I do too you?" Her dry voice crackles as she turns and looks at me. Her face is sunk in. Her skin is pail. Her eyes are dull, and she has black marks under them.

   After seeing that I realise she probably hasn't eaten or slept in days.

" You kissed him." I say too her she just stares at me with those dull eyes.

" He kissed me I slapped him, there's a difference." She says plainly.
She stands up slowly walking towards me .

I ended it with a fluff hanger like that for a reason and there's only one chap left after this then I will begin to write book two

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