Chapther 4

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      On the way to where they are taking me, I strike up a conversation with the one carrying me.

"So what's your name?" I ask the man 

"My name is Caleb if you must know omega!" He says in a gruff voice that causes me to start trembling in fear, with a rough jolt, Caleb says in a stern voice, "Quite moving back there!" Causing my brain to shrink down in even more fear but focusing on stilling my body so I don't upset him. 

"I'm sorry" I say in a quiet voice so as not to make him angrier.

       After that he continues walking and we stay silent until we get to our destination. Once we get there he drops me on the ground. He turns to the other wolfs.

"Watch him while I get the alpha!" He says in a demanding voice, they bow their heads in understanding, while I just lay there looking bored. After a minute an absolutely tantalizing scent floods my nostrils, Not knowing where the smell is coming from, I start to look around trying to find the source of the smell when all of a sudden a large man burst through the front doors of the very large house. My wolf screams in my head "mate, mate, mate"

      The man who my wolf is saying is my mate is GIANT, he is dressed in a navy blue stripped suit with his hair slicked back in the most flawless way. His arms are bulging in the sleeves of his suit just right, and he smells like the perfect combination of patchouli and sandalwood. If I wasn't so terrified of his intense presence, I would be extremely turned on. He scans the yard we are in until his eyes land on me.

"Mate" the sexy man says in a deep lustful voice. 

        While I just back up in fear of what he will do to me, because I can tell that he is the alpha and alphas always hurt me. He looks at me strangely.

"Why are you scared little one?" He asks in a demanding tone. I whimper in fear. He then sighs and takes a step towards me very slowly.

"What is wrong?" He then asks softly and slowly. I very gently look up to see the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, like two orbs of pure sunshine, a bright, flaming orange color that I could get lost in easily, in fact I did. All of a sudden I hear a growl and see the sexy man above me looking frustrated.

"Huh" I say in a confused voice.

"I said what is your name little one" the man asks 

"My name is Aidan, what is yours???" I ask with curiosity laced in my voice.

"Alexander, my name is Alexander" he says in a deep voice that sends shivers down my spine. He seems to notice because a grin spreads across his face in a knowing way. 

       We stare into each others eyes for what feels like forever until, "Mmmhhmmm, could we get to the matter at hand instead if y'all eye raping each other" Caleb so rudely disrupts us with a clearing of his throat and a sarcastic tone.

"Oh yes the matter at hand." Alexander backs away from me and turns toward Caleb "What was the matter at hand again?" 

Caleb sighs a frustrated sigh.

"The boy, Alpha he must be punished for crossing over onto our territory"

A look for pure rage comes across Alexander's face.

"NO HARM WILL COME TO MY MATE AND IF IT DOES I WILL PERSONALLY KILL WHOMEVER INFLICTS IT, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME !!!" He growled with such fierceness that I swore I saw the earth shake.

"I do Alpha" Caleb bows in respect as well as the other wolfs around. I look up to my mate trembling in fear, he looks down at me and his eyes soften tremendously as he gets down on one knee, he holds out his hand for me to take. I slowly scoot away from him still scared that he could get mad at me and hit me. 

"Please don't hit me alpha" I cry in desperation. He seems to be majorly offended by this because he retracts his hand and looks at me with pain and sorrow in his eyes.

"Why would I do such a thing, do I look like the type of person that would hit the man destined just for me?" He looks at me with a devastating look, so devastating that it hurt to look at him I had to turn away.

"I'm sorry I have just been hurt so bad in the past it's hard for me to trust anyone" I say in such a quiet voice that it's hard to believe he even heard me.

      He grabs my face and stares me directly in the eyes. "Listen to me, I will never intentionally hurt you, okay?" I let what he just said sink in and I slowly nod my head.  A smile comes across his face and he picks me up bridal style which causes me to blush a bright amber, I turn my head to see that we have attracted quit a crowd and I bury my head into his neck. 

      He chuckles, sending deep vibrations through my entire body and I sigh. He turns around and starts walking towards the house that he just busted out of moments ago. Man how things can change in such a short period of time.

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