Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

“Sissy, can you carry me? I’m too tired to walk.” She whined. I gave in and scooped her up in my arms.

“Where the heck is he?” I whispered to myself. I was just about to turn back when I saw a boy with curly blonde hair holding our luggage. I took a deep breath before making my way towards him. His eyes met mine, memories came flooding back. It took everything in me to not run up to him and gives him a bone crushing hug.

“Hayley?” he asked. His voice was deeper than when we talked over the phone. I nodded my head and he gave me a small smile.

“Lily, this is our brother Ashton, Ashton, this is lily.” I said nudging for lily to pick her head up.

“Hi lily.” Ashton said waving awkwardly.

“Hi.” She said quietly.

“Shall we get going?” he asked.

“Yeah she’s getting pretty tired.” I said snuggling lily close.

“Alright let’s go.” He said turning and walking towards the door with our luggage in his hands. I followed him to his car and buckled her into what looks like a brand new car seat. I snuggled up next to her and took a catnap.

“Hey wake up we’re here.” Ashton said jumping out of the car. Slowly I unbuckled lily and carried her inside.

“Here I’ll take her.” He said holding his hands out. I placed her in his arms and followed him up the stairs. “Your room is down the hall.” He said.  I made my way down the hall and opened the door to my new room. Twinkly lights hung around the room, my bed huge and covered with fresh fuzzy blankets. A vanity sat next to the window, a small, yet bigger than the one at my old house, closet tucked away in the corner. A light gray rug draped over the floor and a comfy looking chair sat next to a wall filled with books. I set my suitcase by the closet; I pulled out a pale blue t-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms. I flopped onto the bed and sighed. I heard the door creak open and Ashton poked his head in.

“You decent?” he asked.

“Yeah.” He walked in halfway and stopped. I stared down at my lap.

“My girlfriend helped me decorate this for you.” He said not making eye contact.

“Oh, tell her thanks.”

“You are so welcome sweetie!” I heard someone exclaim. I lifted my head to see a girl with dark brown hair and pale green eyes next to Ashton, her arms wrapped around his torso. When did she get here?

“Hayley this is my girlfriend Jessica.”

“Hi Hayley it’s so nice to meet you.” I gave her a weak smile.

“It was short notice but I somehow managed to pull this off.” He said ruffling his hair.

“Good thing you decided to paint this room a week ago or she would be in a room with nasty colored walls.” Jessica giggled.

“Yeah. Well we better let her get some sleep. We will be downstairs if you need us.” He said pulling Jessica out of the room.

“Okay.” I mumbled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Hayley sleep well.” She chirped before shutting the door. She was so friendly. Very perky and happy, I liked her I guess, I just hoped she wasn’t always that excited.

I woke up to the sun shining into my eyes, I groaned before forcing myself to get up. I threw my hair up in a top knot before going to lily’s room to see if she was still asleep. Her room was a light pink with small butterfly’s randomly placed on the walls. A small bed with fluffy blankets draped over it sat in the left corner of the room. A large window on the back wall had a bench that lily sat on.

“Morning.” She turned her head and smiled.

“Morning” she said yawning.

“How long have you been awake?” I took a seat next to her and looked out the window.

“A little while.” Her voice sounded so sad.

“Hungry baby?” I asked getting up.

“No, I’ll eat later.” She said holding a pillow close to her chest.

“Okay.” I sighed and walked into the hall. I looked back and she still sat there looking out the window.

“CALUM GIVE THAT BACK NOW!” who the hell is here? I quietly walked down the stairs and tried to not be seen.  I saw four boys and Jessica sitting on the couch. One was Ashton and the one next to him had bright blue hair, the other two were wrestling on the ground, one with sandy blonde hair the other with dark brown hair.

“Look who’s up?” Jessica chirped. I froze as all eyes turned on me. I quickly walked back to my room and shut the door.

“She’s not very talkative.” One of them said.

“Give her a break mike, you guys just spooked her.” Jessica said giggling. I heard footsteps coming down the hall I sat on my bed and picked at my nails and hoped that they would go away.

“Hey you hungry?” I looked up to see Ashton in the doorway.

“Kind of.” I said.

“Alright, come on.” He said gesturing for me to walk downstairs. “They don’t bite.” He laughed.

“Speak for yourself Irwin!” one of the boys retorted.

“Hush Luke!” he called back. I slowly got up and followed Ashton.

“Is lily awake?” he asked.

“Yeah she won’t eat though.” I said.

“She’s got to eat. “He said opening her door.

“Hey lily, you hungry?” he asked in a sweet tone.

“No.” I could hear the cries she held back.

“Can you come try to eat something?” he asked.

“Ok.” She said giving in.

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