Chapter Eight

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We landed back at the facility early the next morning. The sun was just appearing from horizon, the sky a deep crimson red as the morning break began.

Black didn't acknowledge me at all. He entered the prison and power walked along the halls, towards the Psychology block. Under his arm, he held Charlie's file. In the same hand, he had his phone, ignoring it's constantly beeping as we proceeded through the facility.

In my hand, I held the apple pie slice in a box, the sweetness drawing me to have a bite.

The usually heavily guarded room was empty as we approached. There was no guards waiting, no were there any sign of life, visible.

Black opened the door of Psych Room One, holding it open for. He gestured for me to enter, but not before handing me Charlie's file.

"I'll organise for Thomas to be brought immediately," he said.

"Yes, Sir."

Black turned his back, ready to walk away.

"Oh. And, Scarlett?"


"Let's try and be professional?"

I nodded as he walked away.

The room was cold, the morning air brisk. Even colder due to the uniform I had not yet had the chance to remove. I tried wrapping myself in my arms, doing little to combat the weather, instead, making my way towards the table in the centre.

I took my seat, back towards the door, placing the box down and flicking open Charlie's file. Reading over, I let a yawn escape my mouth, and glanced down at my watch. 4:23am. I was exhausted, wishing I had a coffee with me.

I yawned again, this time, crossing my arms on the table in front of me and resting my head on them. I was only going to rest my eyes. And with that, I let them close.

I awoke to the sound of the door handle turning.

Groggily, I woke, sitting up and stretching out, my body sore and cold, as I turned around to see what was happening.

McCoy dragged Charlie in, hands cuffed in front of him. Charlie didn't look at me, or anyone, his eyes firm on the ground, as he was forced in.

"Morning, Miss Flynn," McCoy smiled.

He walked Charlie to the table and cuffed him to the table.

"Mind if I have a word with you, Miss Flynn? McCoy asked.

I nodded and stood, walking to the door.

McCoy joined me not long after, looking over at Charlie and whispering, "I'll be right outside if you need me."

"I know."

"Black also wanted to let you know that he is watching and this shall remain professional."

I nodded, "So he keeps saying."

"If anything happens I'll switch on the rooms fire system, and Davis will be alerted."

"I don't believe that's necessary."

"Captain's orders," he shrugged, opening the door.

"Thanks, McCoy."

He raised a hand, acknowledging my response.

Any confidence I had approaching the session faded as soon as I turned my attention back to Charlie. He had his body folded over his arms, hiding his face from me. Without seeing his face, you could still feel him there, the power, the intimidation.

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