Chapter 4: as fast as they come they go

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Never in my life had I imagined my self being in situation like this.

I arrived at 9:40 am
Or in other words: VERY LATE.
But I had to go inside. And so I did.
Of course I found Emily right in the reception area.
She looked me up and down and she didn't look happy.
"Finally you decided to come. and look at you !" She exclaimed.
"I'm sorry I had a bit of a situation"
"You shouldn't apologize to me, the boss asked for you "
Sh*t !
Now I know I really screwed things up.
I was hopping that I had to deal with only Emily since she was in charge of me.

"I'll go right up then " I say hating to deal with this.
I'm a big girl. Big girls face and take responsibility.

"Yes please , hurry " Emily urges me.

I just went to the elevator as fast as I could. Clicked the button and waited to get there.
For the second time, again, I was facing the wide black wooden door of the boss's office.

I knocked, and heard a soft ' come in ' from inside.

I got in, and found the tall, sexy figure facing the big window with the view, so I was facing his back.
"Welcome Ms.brown, I see you finally decided to come to work, do you have any excuses ?"

I actually didn't think of this.
"I'm sorry sir I had a situation and I forgot I had work today"
Kids learn. What ever I say or do is exactly what you shouldn't be doing.
I definitely said something wrong seeing his body stiffen. Still not facing me though.

"So no excuse . Look as I already said yesterday. You do what you're asked to do, and I told you to come on time. As simple as that, and I don't like to repeat myself .
I hope you enjoyed being hired for a ...  night. Because you're job here is over before it started. you may leave now "

I wasn't gonna cry in front of him.
Nor did I want to sound weak. I'm being responsible for my actions.
Because it really wasn't anybody's fault but mine,  so I deserve this... humiliation.
"Yes sir " I say quietly.

Then he turned around for the first time and he seemed surprised. No surprise there. I look a mess.

"What are you wearing , where did you get that ?" He asked loudly.

"I'm sorry, but since I don't work here anymore I don't feel the need to answer, I'll be leaving now"

He just stared at me, while I left the office and closed the door behind me.

I went to the toilet as fast as my feet could cary me, I suddenly felt nauseous.

I sat on the toilet seat, and all the tears I tried to maintain, started to escape down my face.
I whipped.
I felt on the wrong but I know I am to blame.

"How could something like this happen to me.
I mean I first lost my virginity to god knows who. and then I lose my job.
This must be some kind of a new record of low?
But you know what ? "
I ask basically no one.
"Who's there?"
"It's ok , you can tell me!"

"The thing is , I don't even know the guys' name,
and if it wasn't for him leaving me asleep in his bed, I wouldn't have lost my job"
I don't think she could understand anything I said as it was muffled with my attempts to wipe my nose and some occasional sniffing.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this all together. But it's not the end of the world, I mean you can get another job, and as for the guy, at least you had a good time yesterday, right ?"
"Well yeah ! I did ... " I answer back.
"Great ! And based of him ditching you like that he seems like an arsehole you don't need to deal with someone like that in your life ... he did you a favor"

"Thank you for talking to me , I feel like I can go out now " I answer.

I got out and I found none other than Emily.

"I'm sorry I was angry with you earlier,
it's just because, You made my job a bit difficult today, I was calling you all morning, but your phone was off, and the boss kept asking..."

"It's okey , you did your job right , and that why you still have it " I interrupt her.
She smiled and hugged me. Then she told me to wait in my spot ..

She left and came back soon after.
"Take this it'll cover what you're wearing , no need for any more people to know about your life story "
She brought me a coat.
"Oh thank you ! You really shouldn't have, but thank you "
I took it from her.
"Just keep it, you need at least one good memory in this bad day anyways"
She gave me her phone number to keep in touch, and accompanied me out side to catch a cab.

When I got home , I found everyone waiting for me.  Delilah jumping in front me.

"OH MY GOD ! are you okey ? I got worried we lost you yesterday at the club! we kept calling your phone, but it was off"
She screamed.
Her eyes look puffy. I'm assuming from crying and staying up all night.

"Listen guys, I'm good, but I really need to sleep, it's been a long night and a long morning, so if you excuse me "

No body said anything.
Good just what I needed right now, so I headed towards my bedroom.

I changed into some shorts and a top.
On my bed. Specifically on my pillow, I tried remembering everything from last night, which lead me to cry, then I drifted to sleep.

Picture on top is Isabelle's room .

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