Chapter20: 2nd day

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Buzz... buzz... buzz...
I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hmm! Who is it?"

"Hi Isabelle it's Delilah, there has been something in France so my dad and are there to take care of it, sorry I didn't have time to call"

Now I was awake.
"Are you guys alright ?"
"Yes we are, we arrived safely, the problem is someone seems to break in one of the galleries and trash everything, now we need to talk to the owner of the pieces that were trashed, you know the rest"
"Yeah I see, please be safe and update me. Ok ?"
"Will do, you too Bella"
"Tell dad to call me if anything happens "
"Yeah I will, I know it's late now, Nicholas told me you got work tomorrow so you'll need all the sleep you can get, bye now"
"Ok, bye bye"

So now I'm awake I checked the time and it was still 3 am. I tried going back to sleep but it wasn't working. I switched on the TV. Maybe this will entertain me or bore me till I fall back to sleep.

6:02 time had passed so fast and no trace of sleep. Therefor I decided to get up, made my self a hot cup of coffee, then I checked my mail and notifications.
I then started to get ready. I wore a black fitting skirt with a soft pink top. Once done I head to my car.
I know I'm early but I have nothing else to do so I might as well start my day early.
I can prepare my new desk and put my things in.

Upon entering the company.
I greeted the security guy and headed straight to the elevator. Emily was still not here.
I went up straight to my desk, and started to do what I had planned.
Half way through, I hear the door to main office opening.

"What are you doing?"
He was only wearing his pants also his hair was messed up like he just got up from bed.
But that wasn't all, I also saw some love bites on his neck.

I raised my eye brow
"Really now! What do you think you're doing ?"

"I asked you a question answer!" He raised his voice. He was in no position to talk to me like that.

" I'm here because I felt like getting to work early... now you answer my question, what's that on your neck?" I ask aggressively.

"You can leave and come back later, go have breakfast or something" He ordered while turning his back at me.
I approached him and then pushed him aside and went towards 'his bedroom'.
You can say I found the bug who bit him, she was a very naked blonde big bug.
"What is this?"
"None of your business now leave! I don't like repeating myself !" This time he raised his voice.

"Who is this? Your girlfriend?" The blonde asked confused.
"No, and since you're awake get dressed and get out" He snapped at her and left towards the door to the bathroom.
I stood there for a moment the girl had no problem with the way he spoke to her.

What does he take me and my sister for?
I went to my desk and at this point I felt...
Angry? Mad? About to explode? I thought to myself while going back to my desk.
Now I really want to hit something, that something being a tall very built man in a suit.

I heard the doors of his office closing which meant the girl left.
I decided to go back in his office. I needed answers.
I just opened the door and I found him on the other side, so I angrily closed the door behind me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, you do realize you're with my sister? SISTER! You don't even bother explaining yourself to me"
I yelled at him.

"Are you jealous because it wasn't you in that bed with me?"
"What the fuck do you take me for" my anger growing more by the second and so is my voice at this point I was screaming at him.

"I didn't intend for you to see this, you came early" he spoke calmly.

"Oh so this is some kind of a routine to you "
He just shrugged.
"You know what? I don't want this job I'm leaving"

"No you're not! remember the contract you signed yesterday you should at least work for 3 months or until I SAY we're done with the projects. if not, you'll end up paying more than 500.000$"  He states while I was still in shock.
to be honest I didn't care looking at the contract since my dad took care of it, I just signed it right away.

"in fact..." he start while holding up his index " the contract doesn't state that exact number, it says that I can decide the number and I just did" Mr.Jerk adds proudly.

I just looked at him.
"I thought you said it was the same contract from last year "
"It was, only the last time I fired you, none of this applies in that case.
now to the main thing, what you saw here today, stays between us like everything else, you're good at keeping secrets, this one won't be that hard for you" he dares wink at me.

Again I just looked at him, I never knew how to hate someone or how some people can commit murder. But at this exact moment I KNEW.

"As for my reasons, I do like your sister for the imagine I mean our relationship works great for business but you know there isn't much action in her for me "
"Fuck you!" I couldn't control my self any further.

I angrily went to my desk.
I couldn't control the tears escaping from my eyes. 
Why do I have to deal with this, last year all I did was have a little fun now I regret my whole existence.
I felt like I cried for ever.
I need to find a way and get my self out of this situation.
I heard him call me.
I got up quickly trying to fix my self and dried all of the tears.
"Yes yo.. You called for me "
My voice breaking...
"Yes I need you to sort these files then check for any mistakes in the plan, I need them by the end of the day"
He didn't even look at me as I went to collect the the files.

"Whenever you feel like taking a break do and don't disturb me unless you finished the task given"

With that I just left I don't wanna hear anymore words coming from that assholes mouth. I went to my desk and started working.
He sure has a lot of work.
It's been an 1 hour and I still haven't finished with examining one file.
I checked the time it's 9:35 am. The day is still long ahead. I check the files, I still have 11 more to go through.
Then I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in!"
"How's the Bella doing on her first day?"
Liam's voice came in, using my name as an adjective.
"Oh hey!" I got up to greet him.
"I brought coffee "
"Agh! Thank you I needed it" I say thankfully.

"I'm guessing you have so much work?"
"You have no idea" I say and roll my eyes.
"I'm taking a break now, I can stay with you for half an hour and help you"
He just brought a chair and came to the other side of the desk to sit next to me.
"Let me see, what do you have here?"
He just looked at them.

"Is Nicholas giving you all his work?"

"I don't know, And I really don't care, I just have to finish with all this by the end of the day, I don't wanna hear anything he has to say in case I don't" I say truthfully.

"Well I'll show you how to do it quicker. And don't hate him too much he can be moody sometimes and would go hard on you, but in other times you won't be having any work to do, so don't worry"
If he only knew why he was in a bad mood.
He's in no right to be angry. I should.
We got into working, only after 10 minutes I hear Liam say.
"Mm you smell nice by the way!"
I just blushed. He's only been here for a few minutes and I already feel better and less angry.
"Thank you, you do too" I say blushing a little.

"What does he do too? And why is he here?"
This was the devil's voice.
"I smell nice too and I'm here spending my break and helping her "
"Oh how cute! I came to tell you I'm leaving and I'll be back later, make sure no one gets into my office while I'm gone"
And he closed the door and left.
"Yep! He's in a bad mood today " Liam said laughing, which made me smile at him in return.

   How is he the one in a bad mood, when he's the one at fault?
The nerve of some people.

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