Chapter 22: Liam 2

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Liam POV

She was crying, so she went straight to her desk. I heard what went down so soon after she left I got in to talk to Nicholas.

"I don't like her being around you, so stay away from her!"
"You're in no position to tell me what to do and what not to do"
"It was her fault that she saw me with a girl this morning. She seems to have a sense for trouble and complicating everything."
"Try and stay with your girl, your dad is expecting a wedding soon"
"It was because of her that I ended up with that girl, I wanted her, all I think of in my head is how I miss that night, seing her vulnerable the other night didn't help my case. I could see how she's effected by me. It's my fault that I'm dating her sister, soon to marry her sister. But I won't give up on it"
"You're saying you'll be with her and her sister at the same time?"
My blood was boiling at this moment, he's gonna ruin everything. His dads plan and mine too.
"Listen I won't let you ruin everyones lives"
" I tried to hurt her with words.
And I act tough on her, it just hurts her but doesn't change how I feel. What do you want me to do?"
" I asked her out and she said yes, this better stop you from going after her" I lied just to make a point.
"You what?"
"You heard me, now focus on your life, your dad is always worried"
I just said that and left him. He was angry I know it. But this has to stop.
I'm going out of my way to make sure everything goes smoothly.
  I even ordered some people in France to trash the stations galleries in hopes of Isabella to leave to france. But my plan was ruined when her father and Delilah left.
In my head I wanted Delilah to stay and plan her wedding and I would've ended the process quickly.
I need to date Isabella and set boundaries for Nicholas.
This is the plan now.

I knock on her door.
I hear a faint voice from the other side so I let myself in.
She sat straight in her desk. She looked focused and busy.
"Is there a chance I could sit and help you?"
I ask her.
"I'm fine, I'm almost done anyways"
She answers me, but I sat anyways while she worked quietly.
I checked my phone and I had missed call from my mother. She's been on a trip and we rarely talk. So to me this is a big deal.
I quickly got up and dialed her number.
"Hi son! How are you?"
She picked up the phone soon after I rang.
"I'm fine now that I heard your voice. It's been so long" I say.
"I know it has, are you free tomorrow I'd like to meet you since I'm around"
She spoke casually and formally. Not the way you'd expect a mother to talk to her son. But I was used to it. Mother never had it easy in her life. To me it's always good to hear her voice to know that she's doing good.
"Sure, do you want us to meet in a specific place?" I ask her.
"I'll just come to your place. We need to talk"
And it was set at that.
Since I left to get my call I didn't want to go back to the office and bother Isabelle.
So I just left.

The next day.

I heard my door bell ringing, and I knew who it was. I've freed myself today and stayed in so I could meet my mother.

"Hello son!" She started and kissed me on either of my cheeks.
"How was your tour? I heard to visited a lot of countries" I ask.
"Oh yes, It started as a joke when I went to Belgium but I ended up touring Europe and it was the best decision I ever made"
She said excitedly. I admire her gestures and movements and the way she talked. The idea of her once being a maid would never cross your mind. She talked with class and money, as if she was born into it.
"How is work doing with you?" She asks me.

"Since Nicholas is here, it mostly easier to manage but recently his mind has been busy and I think he's gonna mess up everything"
I speak out my thoughts.
"What do you mean?" She sounded interested.
"To keep it short, Mr.harris is expecting him to marry Delilah she comes from a well known family but Nichols is having lusting feeling over her sister"
She was quiet for a second.
"Does Harris know about this?"
"No, but he asked me to make sure nothing goes wrong, I don't want to take responsibility for his mess ups"
"Listen here, you might not tell me but I'm sure you have another motive" she says. Oh mother knows me well.
"Of course I do, I don't want to be the right hand for the rest of my life"
"And you shouldn't she says..."
But this wasn't the interesting part of the conversation. It was what she said later that had me planted in place not uttering any more words.
She went on telling me how sorry she is that she had to hide everything from me. That I deserve more in life and that I was her ticket out of her old life.
That I was nothing less than Nicholas. In fact me and him share the same blood.

"It was a long time ago, I was a maid at Harris's house and I was young. His wife still didn't have any sign of pregnancy and he was stressed. I think at that time they grew away from each other. So we became close and one night it just happened. I was young and I saw my chance of living the life I know I deserve. My own Cinderella story. But soon after that I got pregnant and Harris felt the guilt within him. He loved his wife that was for sure but I guess he went through some weak time. He wanted the kid to stay by his sight, so I stayed at his house, I didn't do much work and I got paid ten times what I used to make.
And to make it better for his wife, he named the firm "Harris &hers" after his wife, so that would be their child together.
I never told you who your father was. But you need to know. His wife is dead, he succeeded in hiding the truth from her, but I don't want to regret not telling you and having you hear it from someone else."
After all of this time. And all the questions I've always had in my head. All the time I wondered where my father was, he was always right there in front of me.


Enjoy ❤️

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