Coffee shop

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  The food arrives and I feel a weird energy surrounding us. Or rather some eyes focusing on me.
He was looking at me the whole time. And it became annoying, suddenly he asks me his next question:
"Why did you come late to work that day?"
   I choked on and I reached for my glass of water. I haven't thought of an answer before, what would should I answer now?
   Too late, Delilah toke over and answered.
"It was my fault I took her out to celebrate her new job...too bad, she got fired the next day but she did meet a very special someone that day"        My rambling sister said raising her eyebrows at me referring to my one night stand. I understand that he's her boyfriend and she wanted to share  "our memories" with him, but the whole thing is bringing some bad memories alive and it's super weird.
If it wasn't awkward before now it is.

"Oh so you met your boyfriend that day? you win some you lose some I guess" Nicholas says raising his full fork to his mouth and biting into it.
Delilah laughed.
"Actually she doesn't even remember who it was ... she remembers it was fun though, right?"
   Oh if she wasn't my sister and if this didn't happen a long time ago, I would've left my seat already.
  "I guess .. but to you Mr.ex boss and to the unknown man,I am very grateful because of the both of you I am here now"
    To be honest I was very happy with who I am now and the way life turned out to be.
   They both nod and continue munching on their food.
   I finish my plate quickly and excused my self to leave, I figured they'd want to spend sometime together.
  "Ok it was nice meeting you again Miss Isabelle" Nicholas said expanding his hand to shake mine looking me dead in the eyes.

"Call me later, ok?" I say to Delilah before I leave.
I felt relieved to have left, this wasn't exactly how I pictured things to happen. I should learn by now that life is never how we expect it to be.

I unlock my phone to call the driver but I find a missed call, so I call back.

"Hi Bella!" I hear a familiar voice in the phone speaking.
"Hello, who is this?" I ask

"It's Lily! The girl you met earlier"
"Oh hi! Sorry I forgot I gave you my number"

"You must be going through a lot to forget this fast"

"Yea! it was a weird night you can say" I sighed.
"Did you leave the restaurant?" lily asked.

"Actually I just went out, I didn't wanna stay longer"

"What about I come pick you up and you tell me all about your night?" She asked and surprisingly I accepted.
I'm free and I could use someone to talk to right now, so why not?

A car arrived moment later in the other side of the street and I see Lily getting out of the passengers seat and signales for me to come.
   I enter the car and greeting me  is her and the guy behind the wheel.
She introduces us "Bryan this is Bella..."
I hope I'm not third-wheeling for the second time today. I say to myself.
"So where are we going?" I ask.

"A coffee shop nearby, it's pretty cosy and we get to talk and know each other more..."she paused then said "if you don't mind of course"

"Yea! sounds good to me" I answer.

I just relaxed into the seat I was currently on, and looked outside the window, while Bryan and Lily were talking about something I couldn't catch, not until Lily calls my name: "...right Bella?"
"Huh?what was that, sorry I zoned out?" I ask.
"Bryan here thinks you have a boyfriend, I say you don't"
"What made you think that both of you?" I was interested in knowing their opinion.
"I think someone as beautiful as you wouldn't be single" this was Bryan he looked at me through  the rear view mirror, I felt my cheeks heating.

"And I think, it's because she is beautiful that she's single, guys are so blind and bad at picking girls"
"I guess Lily is right, I'm single" I say while laughing.

"We're here" Bryan said soon after, while parking the car in a quiet street.
I looked around and saw the coffee place right across.
We got inside and sat, where a waitress came and toke our orders.
So I asked the question I had in mind all along.
"Where are you from? Cause you're not French for sure"

"Yes we're from the Netherlands, we lived most of our lives in Canada and now we're here"
"Both of you?"
"Yes, we're childhood friends... kinda" Lily said, leaving me confused even more.

"We were neighbors and best-friends" Bryan said pinching Lily's cheeks "are you shy to say that we're besties?" We all laughed at that.
Then it was time they asked about my story.
To which I took my time explaining.

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