Chapter 1: Ouran Academy

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Hello my yummy cupcakes! This is my first Ouran Host Club fan-fiction, so I hope you like it! If you don't know me, then you should read my "about me" on my profile. See you at the end! ENJOY!


I shove the last book in place on the bookshelf and wipe my sleeve across my forehead. I pick up the empty box and go into the kitchen to put the box beside the trashcan. I look around at my work and sigh in relief. I finally finished unpacking.

I grab a box of instant ramen and make that for my dinner tonight. I throw away the trash and do my nightly routine, which includes a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed for bed, and setting my alarm. I lay down in my bed hoping I don't get any nightmares tonight.

"Goodnight Mom and Dad"

I close my eyes and think about what's gonna happen tomorrow for my first day of school. I'll just keep my head down and mind my business, like that will keep people from wondering and talking about who I am. I fall asleep to my running thoughts.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groan and roll over shoving my head farther in the pillow I'm laying on. I sigh annoyingly when I know the beeping won't go away. I roll over and feel myself falling. My head hits the floor, I sit up, and I rub the raw spot.


I get up and shut off the alarm. Be-. Finally! I sigh, grab some clothes from my closet, and go into the bathroom and undress, trying not to look in the mirror, but I catch a glimpse and that's all it takes. I see a broken girl with scars and fresh wounds all over her arms and thighs. I feel tears brimming at the edges of my eyes, but don't let them fall.

"Mom and Dad would be ashamed, but I deserve this"

When I finally break my gaze, I realize I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry. I jump in the shower and have the quickest shower ever. After I get out, I brush my hair out, wrap some bandages around my scars, pull on the white long-sleeve shirt I grabbed, my favorite black hoodie, and some dark blue skinny jeans. I walk out of the bathroom and across the bedroom floor. I step out of my bedroom and onto the cold kitchen floor. I grab some socks out of the sock basket by the dryer and slip them on. I wiggle my toes to warm them up and walk over to the stove clock to see what time it is now.

"Oh no, I'm gonna be late! I guess I'm not having breakfast or lunch today. It doesn't matter to me anyways."

I rush to the front door, grab my black converse, and slip them on. I grab my backpack and open my front door. I pull my hood over my head and lock the door behind me. I start running down the sidewalk towards the school and almost run into an old lady walking home. She yells at me, but I just ignore her like I do everyone.

I arrive at the school in about 10 minutes. I look up at the school and all I can say is that I hate the color.

"The school is freaking pink! Of all colors it has to be pink! It can't be white or tan!"

While I'm yelling in my head, I run right into a big blob of yellow and I figure out it's some rich chick. I look at her expressionlessly and keep on walking. She gets up and screams at me.

"Apologize, you commoner!"

I just keep on walking, ignoring the rich chick behind me. I walk into the school and people start whispering and pointing at me, so I just put my head down and look at my schedule.

I look at all of the rooms and I finally find class A. after the bell rings. I knock on the door, then enter.

"Hello, you must be the new student, Ella", the teacher says. I nod my head. "do you want to introduce yourself?" I shake my head.

"You may take a seat behind Mr. Fujioka", she says.

"Mr. Fujioka, will you raise your hand?", she asks a student. I see a girl with short brown hair and big brown eyes raise her hand. I look at her in confusion, but walk to my seat, anyways. I sit down and pull out a notepad. I grab a pencil from my hoodie pouch and look at the girl in front of me. I guess the girl feels my stare and she turns around to look at me. I put my head down and hide in the shadow of the hood.

"Sorry, but did you want something?", she asks. I shake my head.

"Alright, well my name's Haruhi and it's nice to meet you." I nod my head. She stares at me for awhile and finally turns around when the teacher calls our attention to her. I look up and face forward.

"Ms. Alair, could you take your hood off?", the teacher asks, which I will probably never learn the name of. I shake my head, still not gonna talk. I think I hear the teacher growl under her breath, but I don't care.

"Well, alright. Class let's----


After the classes end, I sigh.

"I really want to read a book or study right now. I should find a quiet place in this school to do that. I guess I will check the libraries first."'

I pack up my things and get up. I see these red head twins grab Haruhi and run off with her. I shrug my shoulders and head to the first library.

After checking out all the libraries,

"Those are libraries, right?! I mean I get a little noise, but dang! That is too loud!"

I started walking down the hallway, looking for any quiet rooms. I see double doors with the sign, "Music Room 3", beside it. I put my ear against the doors and see if I can hear any noise. I don't hear any, so I open the door. I'm blinded by a bright light and I choke on something. I start spitting out whatever got in my mouth and find out it's a rose petal.

"Gross. Why did that happen?"

"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club"

When I finally regain my vision, I look up and see 7 people. It's Haruhi, the twin red heads, and 4 other boys I don't know.

"Huh? What's a host club?! I guess I'll find out."


Hey, how did I do? I'm sorry if you don't like, but it's my first fan-fiction. Make sure you follow, vote, or comment, if you liked it. You're all AWESOME people!

Have an absolutely amazingly fantastic day! (^-^)

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