Are you Mad?

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1 mouth later after the SEX

Y/n and Brenna were in the guild eating a piece of Erzas strawberry cake, Brenna decided to take the blame that the cake was gone because Y/n had told her what happened that night about the drunk mess.

Brenna wasn't mad but she was only shocked, she didn't know that her future twin had a crush on the same boy she liked, Brenna loudly sighed.

Y/n looked up at her sister and looked down.

"I-I'm so s-sorry sis. I knew you liked him but I was drunk and...I'm sorry~"

Tears fell left and right from Y/n's eyes and onto her cake, Brennas eyes softened and she hugged her sis.

"It's fine! Alright! I'm just glad nothing bad happened..."

Y/n had already taken a pregnancy test just in case she wasn't preggers, the test said she wasn't pregnant and that lifted a big burden off of Y/n's back.

Lucy and Mira walked over to the table and rubbed Y/n on her back. Juvia, Levy, and Erza knew about Y/n 'One Night Stand' with Natsu. They were giving him the silent treatment for what he had done.

Y/n didn't like the silent treatment, especially if it used on someone else. She didn't mean for Natsu to earn this much shame from his friends from a mistake Y/n made into drinking.

"You guys don't have to give him you special treatment. It's my fault!" Y/n held her head down.

"No it's not! Natsu should've called one of us to help you if you were that drunk." Lucy said, balling her fists up.

Mira on the other hand didn't give Natsu only the silent treatment but kicked him were the sun doesn't shine each time she saw him, she'd always end the kick with, "GOOD LUCK HAVING KIDS NOW!"

Y/n stood up from the pettyness and walked out into the pool area, Lisanna was siting on Natsus lap while Natsu looked liked he was dozing off.

Please don't call Lisanna a slut😕 if Lisannas a slut then Lucy's a bigger slut please stop the hate😤

Juvia wasn't here because she was on a job with Gray and Ezra. Levy was with Gajeel doing things. Mira, Lucy, and Brenna stayed with me.

Y/n took off her shirt and her pants, she made a big splash into the pool getting water all over Lisanna and Natsu.

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N!" Lisanna yelled, Natsu bolted right up and looked at me.

"Sorry." I rolled my eyes.

Not sorry..

Lisanna stood up and walked into the guild to go dry herself off, which only left Natsu and I at the pool area alone.

"H-hey Y/n." Natsu said, rubbing his neck. He stood up from his seat and jumped into the pool.

Y/n shielded her eyes so that she wouldn't get water in them and saw that Natsu was already in the water. She un-shielded her eyes and smiled at him.

"H-hey Natsu, h-how's it-um-going?" I asked. Natsu rubbed the back of his head.

"Great! Um-are you-you know-pregn-."

"NO! I'm not! Sorry if I was worrying you." Y/n quickly replied.

"Oh, okay."

There was an awkward silence between Natsu and Y/n, they haven't talked since there sexual inercourse. Natsu seemed to be hooked onto Lisanna.

"Are you a" Y/n asked, averting her gaze.

"WHAT! No! Never! She's really clingy, I don't wanna girl like that." Natsu replied, Y/n glanced at him.

"So...what kind of girls do you like?"

Natsu turned around and stared into Y/n's eye color and favorite color eyes. He grabbed onto Y/n's arm and pulled her in close. Y/n gasped, Natsus lips were close to Y/n's mouth.

Y/n held onto his muscular arms tightly and gazed into his onyx orbs.

"I like girls who-!"

"HEY! LEAVE MY SIS ALONE YOU PERV!" Brenna interrupted the conversation and rushed towards Y/n and Natsu, she jumped into the pool making a big splash.

" can't swim.." Y/n said, sighing.

Brenna was in the middle of the pool gasping for air, Y/n swam over to her and carried her by shoulder.


Yea, he literally fucked me...




"WHAAT!" The whole guild was outside now hearing the argument, Y/n stared at her sister in pain.

"I-I'm pregnant?" Y/n formed tears in her eyes. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" Y/n yelled, letting go of her sister. Brenna held onto Y/n for support.

"Look Y/n, I did it so you wouldn't freak out. I was going to take an S class job and I need to make money for you. I thought after a few months you'll notice and I would've gathered the money by then to provide for you. I'm sorry."

Y/n couldn't comprehend what her sister was telling her nor saying. She was only pissed off at the fact that her sister wouldn't tell her.

"WHY! I NEED TO KNOW! I can't have a kid, I'm only 17 sis." Y/n wiped her tears, Brenna hugged her in the water.

"You just needed you stay calm, you can't go on anymore fights with a forming baby inside of you."

Y/n knew Brenna was right, she tried her best not to stay mad at her because she knew Brenna meant well.

The guild only stared at either Natsu or Y/n. Y/n brought her sister out the pool and stood up in front of the guild.

"Y-ou all should know, and I've should've told you all this before but I was too scared you all wouldn't like me. Natsu and I had sex and...I guess I'm one mouth pregnant now." Y/n looked down.

The guild gasped. Everyone was whispering to one another and talking. Gramps came out from the coward and looked up at Y/n.

"Y/n...I think that..."

Sorry about the mean plot twist I'm thinking about this shit as we go🤔😂

Let me also get this straight! Get it straight? BUT IM GAY AHAHAHA! Anyways don't hate on Lisanna because of this story or any story involving her as the bad guy. Their FAN FICTIONS! It's not the actual manga or anime.

I love Lisanna I just needed a bad guy so...😤 yeah~ Jasper

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