Chapter 3

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Scott felt his heartbeat rise as he entered the bank and sprinted through the halls towards the vault. He had to get there in time. Deaton's life depended on it. He just hoped he did not find any resistance on the way. He didn't need any delays.

Scott loved Deaton like a father. He had been there at a time when Scott needed support and his mom was too busy with work to make time. Deaton helped him after his parents' divorce. Deaton had been more of an ideal father to him than his biological father will ever be. And now that Deaton's life was in danger, he realized how much he loved the man. He would be devastated if Deaton died.

It did not take him long to reach the vault. He didn't meet anyone on the way, thankfully. As he got closer to the vault, he saw what was inside. He almost panicked at the sight of his mentor dangling by his hand from the ceiling of the vault.

Deaton's hands were bound together above him with a rope from the ceiling. He was dangling motionlessly, with only the rope to handle his weight. If it had not been for the ragged breathing and erratic heartbeat he was hearing from veterinarian, then he would have thought the man was dead.

There was a gash on his forehead out of which blood was trickling down his face. Some of the blood had dried. It was clear that he had that gash for a few hours and had lost a lot of blood. Scott had to get him help or get him to to the hospital. Soon. Otherwise it would be too late. And Scott did not even want to think what would happen if it was too late.

He readied himself and ran towards Deaton. With his speed, he did not need much time to get close. But just as he was about to reach Deaton, there was a flash of light as he met a resistance and he was thrown back. He landed on his back with a force that, if he was human, would have broken at least ten bones in his body along with his ribs. Fortunately though, he was not a human. He was a werewolf.  So he didn't feel anything more than a sting.

He brushed it off and got up to see what had stopped him, though he already suspected what had happened. There was only one thing that could stop him like that. His suspicion was confirmed when he saw the circle of black colored powder around Deaton. Mountain ash. Shit.

How was he supposed to get to Deaton now? He could not get through the mountain ash. But he had to get to Deaton. He had to try. Scott's eyes hardened as he made his decision. He walked up to the circle and planted himself firmly in front of it. With his right foot forward, he raised both his hands and pushed.

He pushed against the now visible barrier that was flashing a bluish white light at his contact. It was like pushing against meters of concrete. Harder even. Because the barrier was trying to push him back, throw him off. The mountain ash was doing what it was supposed to do. Keeping out the supernatural.

Scott pushed relentlessly despite the growing pain in his muscles. A supernatural burns if it touches mountain ash. And pushing against a barrier made of mountain ash made Scott feel thee burn to his very bones. It was not bad at first. A dull pain in the background. But it was increasing with every passing moment.

Scott screamed as the pain reached another level, but kept pushing, unwilling to give up. He noticed Deaton looking up and the slight widening of his eyes. Unbeknownst to him, his eyes were slowly turning from yellow to bright red. And Deaton saw it.

As the pain exceeded his tolerance level, he was thrown back again. And once again, he landed on his back with terrible force. He took a second to regain himself and was about to get up when he heard footsteps behind him, followed by a familiar voice.

"Scott," The voice Sheriff Stillinski came from the vault entrance. Scott turned around to see the man looking at him grimly. "Mind if I give it a shot?"

The Sheriff took out his gun and shot at the rope. The rope was cut off from the ceiling and Deaton immediately fell to the floor. He took large gulps of air to compensate the lack of proper breathing the last few hours. Deaton leaned against the closest wall he could find and breathed heavily. Scott went and sat in front of him.

"I'm going to call the paramedics." He heard the Sheriff say. He nodded once towards at his best friend's father and then turned to his mentor to gauge the damage done to him. The man was half unconscious against the wall. He was about to shake the man awake to when he heard another voice.

"No, you will not call the paramedics. Not yet." A male voice spoke with a distinct British accent. Scott turned to see the same man from the animal clinic, the one who claimed to be Deaton's friend, talking to the Sheriff with a hand on his shoulder while looking directly into his eye. "You will stay here until I say."

Scott watched, worried, as the Sheriff repeated the words. This was definitely some sort of mind control. What was that guy? The said guy then walked towards them and Scott watched warily. As the man sat down beside him, Scott flinched a bit. Something told him this guy was extremely dangerous, in a very bad way. And he had seen the guy mind-control someone. Who knew what else he could do?

Apparently the man caught his expression. "Oh calm down. I cannot compel werewolves."

So the man knew about werewolves. That was a silly thought. Of course the guy knew. He just did something to the Sheriff. The guy was probably a supernatural himself. But what? He could not sense anything from him, except that he was the Alpha male of whatever he was. An aura of power and dominance surrounded him.

The guy then did something completely unexpected. He opened his mouth and Scott watched with horrified fascination as his eyes turned yellow like a wolf, with black veins under them and fangs protruded from his jaw. He bit into his own wrist.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked, wondering if the guy had gone mad.

"Shh," was all the man said before he put his healthy arm behind Deaton's neck and propped him up a bit. Then he put his bleeding wrist to Deaton's mouth and made the man drink a few gulps before withdrawing his hand.

Deaton slowly came to consciousness and his eyes fluttered open. He looked around the room before his gaze fell on the man beside Scott. The teenager watched as recognition dawned on the veterinarian's face.

"Nice to finally see you again, old friend." The man said, a smirk on his lips.

"Klaus Mikaelson." Deaton whispered fondly, like he was addressing his son, like he addressed Scott. That was the moment Scott knew for sure nothing will be the same in his life. He didn't know how he he knew it. He didn't know why he knew it. He just . . . . . .  knew.


A/N : So ..... chapter 3. I don't know how I did. This chapter was somewhat difficult to write. Klaus and Scott's first meeting. There is more to come in this meeting in the next chapter. I am so excited. On another note, what do you think their ship name should be, Scaus or Klatt or Klott? I personally prefer Scaus. Give me your opinion. Read, enjoy and comment.

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