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she's also the loml 

im literally the worst im so sorry this took so long to update please don't hate me

heres some more garbage mkay//

"Didn't they tell you that I was a savage? Fuck your white horse and a carriage."

Needed Me by Rihanna

Violetta's POV:

"Wake the fuck up!"

Niall's deep Irish accent pierces my ears before a pillow gets slapped across my face and I tumble out of the bed. Any sleepiness is jolted out of me as my body slams against the floor. Pain shoots up my body and I turn to look at my attacker. A soft "oh shit" comes from his mouth as he sees my glare rake over his pale face. His eyes are wide and his blonde hair sticks up in a quiff that looks quite good on him. Normally, I would be a good friend and compliment him on it, but at this point all I can feel is anger for the blue eyed boy. I slowly get back up and on my feet, my lip curling into a sneer and before I can rip out his throat, he darts out of my room.


I tear off after him, sliding on the floor because of my socks. His girlish screech fills the room as I tackle him to the floor. We wrestle a bit before he ends up beneath me, face down on the hardwood. One knee is pressed into his back while the other braces his side. I have one hand holding his wrists behind his back and the other is lost in his (way too soft to be normal) hair.

"You have two options Niall. Apologize and make me breakfast..."

I feel him shake with laughter beneath me, "Or what?"

"I rip your beautiful blonde hair out."


"Then an apology and pancakes it is."

"You're so cruel, Vi. I'm sorry. I was just trying to wake you for our first class. We have like forty-five minutes now."

I quickly get to my feet and help the boy up. I completely forgot that we had a class today, that we were starting our second year of college at all. I call out to Niall, who's now trying to fix his hair that I messed up.

"Forget breakfast you silly boy! We'll have to leave soon! Thanks for waking me up."

I rush over and kiss his cheek before skipping into my bedroom to get ready. As I pull on a pair of skintight blue skinny jeans and a deep blue tank top, I think over my friendship with Niall.

We have been friends since we were seven years old and he stole my ice cream. I was licking the strawberry deliciousness with gusto when he snatched my ice cream and pushed me over. I instantly got up and punched him in the face. We both got put into time out together and bonded over viciousness. Ever since then we've been horribly violent and downright obnoxious friends. 

After finding out that we both got accepted at Stanford, we moved in together in a small two bedroom apartment only a fifteen minute walk away from campus. It was absolutely perfect for us. Both bedrooms had their own bathrooms and the kitchen was large enough for our cooking disasters. The one problem seems to be when Niall brings girls over. Not only does he forget to let me know, they can be heard the whole night. I mean the whole night. While I commend Niall for his stamina, it really irritates me that I can hear everything that those nasty fuckers are doing.

I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts and quickly finish getting ready. I pull on some black high tops, my crystal necklace, and my brown shoulder bag. I swipe some mascara over my lashes and put some concealer underneath my eyes. I pride myself over having good enough skin that I don’t need that much makeup, though that doesn’t stop me from wearing it completely.

Brushing through my near black hair, I call out to Niall.

“You almost done yet?”

“Just waiting on you, Vi. God girls take forever to get ready.”

I roll my eyes at him and grab my big sunglasses. As I enter the living room, I notice he’s sprawled out across the couch in a white tank top and black jeans with black high tops similar to mine.

“Come on fucker.”

He smirks at me and hops up to grab my hand and lead me out the door.

* * * * *

As we walk towards campus we make casual small talk. I bring up his constant escapades with the female gender. This of course led to public embarrassment as I mimed the noises that kept me up for too many nights now.

“Oh my god Niall! You’re so big, Daddy!”

“Yeah babygirl you like that?”

All of which were punctuated with overdone hip thrusts and pornstar moans. This of course led to lots of blushing and red tipped ears on his end.

“Shut the fuck up Vi! At least I made them cum!”

Now it was my turn to blush furiously. Niall and I were very close and it was no secret that my last few sexual trysts were met with premature ejaculation for my partner and utter disappointment on mine. I hit him pretty hard to which he responded with pulling me into a choke hold and rubbing his fist against my styled hair. I pushed behind me, launching me forward, successfully freeing myself from his grasp and directly into the person in front of me, knocking us both over onto the hard cement.

“Shit I’m so fucking sorry. It was his fault I swear-”

And of course I just had to look up at the most attractive person I’ve ever seen in my life. Now that sounds like a stretch but I can assure you it’s not. With long, curly, just fucked hair, stormy green eyes, and a jawline sharp enough I’m surprised my cheek isn’t cut from where it laid against it, I’m fucking shook up. I rake my eyes over the rest of him that I can see and notice defined muscles of his biceps and hollow collarbones adorned with black swallows peeking out from the collar of his white t-shirt, which looks absolutely stunning by the way. The way his black ink from his tattoos is visible through the shirt makes my mouth water. I realize I’m blankly staring at him when he clears his throat and shoves me off of him. I scramble to my feet and start to apologize again when he cuts me off.

“Watch where you’re fucking going next time.”

Anger flares up in me, “Look man, I’m sorry it was an accident I really didn’t mean to.”

“Not my problem. Watch where you fucking walk. Didn’t think it was a difficult concept since most children can do it just fine.” He pushed past me but of course I have to say before I think.

“Hey asswipe! It was accident! I apologized stop being such a prick!”

“Guess you suck them enough to recognize one!” he called back.

Niall quickly grabs me while yelling out, “It’s 2016 stop slutshaming you beautiful douchebag!”

I turn to look at Niall who has an awestruck expression, “Really? That’s the best you could come up with?”

“I’m sorry Vi that man is fucking hot. I’d go gay for him.” I shook my head and brushed myself off before stalking back towards campus. Niall rushes after me with apologies falling from his lips before I finally punch him in the arm as a sign of my forgiveness.

We make it to our first class, English 201, with a minute until class starts. Of course most people are prepared and came early leaving only two seats in the classroom. And since the universe really wants a really cliche story, one of the two is next to the beautiful douchebag. My head darts to Niall who ran to the other seat and sheepishly waved back at me. I glare at him before shouldering my bag and making my way over to pretty boy before flopping down angrily. Today was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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