Boarding School

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  Jasmine was tired by the time her mother pulled the car to to the beginning of the boarding school. They had driven for hours and the stars had been out for quite some time. Jasmine grabbed her luggage and set it down to give her mom a quick good-bye hug. "I love you," she whispered.
    "Be careful," her mom said. "Send me letters if you want. You can come home during the holidays."
   Her mom gave her one squeeze in her hand before climbing back into her car and driving away. Jasmine struggled to carry her heavy luggage. The various suitcases and bags kept slipping out of her hands. She had too much to carry at once. "Do you need help?" a voice asked.
    Jasmine looked up to see a petite girl with dark, curly hair and a complexion like toffee. "That would be nice," she said.
    The girl helped Jasmine carry her bags and they walked towards the school. "You must have just gotten here," the girl said. "This is my second year here. My name is Serenity. What's yours?"
   "Jasmine," Jasmine answered. "Are most people here were-wolves?"
    Serenity laughed. "Not at all," she said. "I'm a were-dog, but there are so many different people here. The school is truly amazing."
   "What type of dog do you turn into?" Jasmine asked. "A pit bull? A Great Dane?"
    "A chihuahua," Serenity answered. "I'm a were-chihuahua."
  Jasmine smiled. "I thought everyone would be able to turn into big, scary animals," she admitted.
    Serenity laughed again. Her laughter was full of sunshine. "Not all all!" she replied. "There are even were-sheep!"
   The two laughed. Jasmine gasped as she saw the interior of the school. It was astounding. The floor was richly furnished with a glossy red carpet and a trophy case was filled with silver and gold trophies. Plaques hung on the walls.
The rest of the school was even more astounding. Serenity gave her a tour and showed her the main attractions. "The library is my favorite part," Serenity admitted.
The library was indeed magnificent. The carpet in the library was royal blue and the shelves were cramped with books on everything from mythology to history to popular young adult novels. Cushiony chairs and beanbags lay sprawled across the room for people to curl up and read a book.
The best part, though, was the dormitories. Serenity showed her the way to hers. Everyone shared their dorm with one roommate. "They're really nice," Serenity said. "They are much better than many college dorms."
Serenity showed her the dorm and left her to marvel at it. There were two beds and a nightstand between then. The room included a walk-in closet and even a nice bathroom. The entire thing was just too amazing to Jasmine who set down her luggage and tried to decide which bed to sleep in.
The doorknob turned and a girl stepped into the room. She had wavy brown hair and dark eyes that looked softer than her next words. "I'll take the right bed, honey," she said. "Now be a good girl and the two of us will get along just fine."

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