The Project

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"For your project, I want each group to study one specific type of were-creature," Mr. Hearthshine said. "I want groups of two, as we have an even amount of students. I will assign the were-creature and your groups."
The class grumbled. "I know you like choosing your own groups, but we all need to be able to work together," the teacher spoke.
    Rachel rolled her eyes. Fiona was trusting her hair. The class was slightly on edge: anticipating the results, but a bit apprehensive. When Rachel was paired with Loup, her eyes narrowed. "Good luck with that fiery girl," a boy hooted.
    Rachel flung him a look of utter disgust and loathing. Her face fell when she found that she was assigned to study were-sheep. "They're so boring," she exclaimed.
   "Yeah," Loup grumbled.
Jackie was shaking in rage; her ponytail was trembling. She cheered up, though, when she was assigned to study were-lions. She threw a smug smile at Loup and Rachel who were now looking at her enviously.
Jasmine felt her worry increase as the numbers dwindled down. There were few people left now. She looked around to see who might be her partner, but snapped her head backs when she heard her name. "You'll be working with Lester," Mr. Heartshine said. "And you'll be studying-"
He unfolded the slip of paper. "Were-foxes," he announced.
Jasmine nodded, feeling tense. Her stomach was wound up so much that she felt she might start to spin and then topple over like a dreidel. She joined Lester near ya seat, trying to ignore the flares of quite a few girls. She stifled a sigh; Lester was too bombastic. It was, quite frankly, weary-inducing and annoying. "Bet you wanted to pair up with me," he smirked.
"No!" Jasmine retorted, resending at his gaze.
He rolled his eyes and slouched back like he was a powerful empower. Jasmine felt as if she were about to blow over at any moment. A gentle breeze just might make her trip and fall. "So were-foxes," Lester said, jolting her from her thoughts. "What do you want to do for the project? It's due by Friday."
"We could go to the library and read some books," Jasmine suggested. "I know how to cite."
"What about the presentation?" Lester asked.
"We could make a tri-fold," Jasmine suggested.
"Boring!" Lester exclaimed.
"What do you want to do then?" Jasmine asked with an edge present in her voice. "An oratory? Five posters? A piñata?"
"I say we dress up and make a skit," Lester said.
"Please, no," Jasmine groaned.
Lester smirked and clapped her on the back. "I'm glad we agree!" he said. "Meet you at the library tonight. We can do the research then. We'll have the best presentation in class!"
The bell rang, silencing Jasmine's objections. She sighed, resigned to the fact that she now had to be in a skit. She felt mortified. Why couldn't she have been paired with someone else?

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