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Sitting, Waiting, Wishing


"Crete, Crete, Crete." I mumbled to myself as I threw random items of clothing into my suitcase. I don't even know why I was bothering since I was walking straight into my death. I rolled my eyes as I threw random articles of clothing over my shoulder.

"Watch it, love. You nearly knocked me out with that hoodie." Kol joked, I swiftly turn around to see him with his arm outstretched with my grey hoodie in his hand.

"I don't know what to pack." I whined throwing clothes onto my bed. Kol stood next to me, his eyes scanning the different t-shirts and dresses. "Definitely these." He smirked as he held up a pair of risqué underwear. I snatched them out of his hand before throwing them across the room with a blush creeping upon my cheeks.

"Don't be embarrassed, love." He pressed his lips to my forehead before picking up random outfits and placing them neatly into my suitcase.

"I just wish sometimes you didn't have to be a completely boy." I groaned.

"What would you rather me be?" He challenged with a flirtatious look in his eyes. I rolled my eyes ignoring his question before heading over to my wardrobe looking at my various collection of sweaters and skinny jeans.

"Angelina? I've been meaning to ask you something." His tone had changed from his usual cheeky self to something serious.

"That doesn't sound good." I winced as he looked at me with confirmation to show that my assumption was correct.

"When this is all over. Are you going to go home?" He stared at me with this look in his eyes what made me feel like my heart was breaking over and over again.

"I-I-I want to b-but I can't, Kol I can't. Not unless you come with me." I stared back at him with tears in my eyes but I would not cry. If I thought too long about Jacob or Stefan I'd break and go home and I'm here to keep my promise but also I'm here to protect Kol.

"Come with you? Because you're my guardian angel or because you actually like me?" He sneered with glossy eyes, he wouldn't meet my eyes anymore and every time we caught eyes he'd look away.

"Listen, Kol."

"No, Angelina. I've heard enough." He boomed, I flinched at the volume of his voice. His eyes softened for a split second before his harsh glare returned. He looked down at the ground with his breathing heavy and my heart clenched to see what state he was in but he was too angry for me to console.

"No you've not, Kol. I don't want to make you leave your siblings but you can't make me leave mine either. You have lifetimes with your siblings and you'll have many more with them but I only get one with my brother." His eyes flickered to me once I said one lifetime, something in his eyes that seemed to resemble shock but I couldn't tell.

"Enough." He bellowed with the veins appearing under his eyes but quickly fading again. He mumbled something before storming out of the room leaving me in complete and utter shock. My bottom lip trembled I fought the urge to sob but the tears were making my eyes sting. I let out a cry before my knees buckling letting my body shake with sobs. I could hear Kol throwing and breaking things and the occasional scream.

I wiped my own tears getting up from the ground, wiping mascara with my sweater sleeve. I yanked the clothes out of my wardrobe shoving them into my suitcase and then furiously zipping it up. I yanked it off my bed before pulling it down stairs, it hitting each individual step with a loud thud. I stood in the hallway placing it with the other few suitcases that Rebekah was taking and the one that Kol, Elijah and Klaus were sharing.

"Angie, darling." Rebekah's soft voice called from behind me as she appeared out of no where. Her eyes were soft as she looked at me with pity, she must have heard everything.

"Bekah, I don't know what to do anymore." I cried as she opened her arms for me to run into. I felt like I hadn't spoken to Rebekah properly in ages and being in her company was what I needed right now.

"You do what you have to." She held my shoulders shaking them slightly and then taking me in for another hug. I smiled as she used the pad of her thumb to wipe the tears from under my eyes.

"Are you ready for Crete, love?" Klaus appeared from behind us, placing his hand on my shoulder like a brotherly figure.

"Ready as I will ever be." I sighed. Elijah came in rolling suitcases out into the cab outside ready to take us to the airport. Kol stormed back in, not meeting my eyes but taking my suitcase outside to the cap. I smiled softly, he still helped me out even if we were not talking.


"Crete." Was all I could say once we had entered the house that Klaus had compelled for us. I was utterly petrified for my death, I could feel it. I just knew that shit was gonna hit the fan for us all and I knew I would be the casualty.

"I've had a Greek witch cast the same spell on the house, no one can touch you here." Klaus patted my shoulder before dragging suitcases up the stairs with ease. I stared around the new house, it wasn't as grand as the one back in New Orleans but it was still fancy in it's own rights.

"I know you're scared, Lina. It's all going to be okay." Elijah said to me before looking towards Kol who was lay on his bed with his door wide open with a distant look in his eyes. His room was on the bottom floor which will prove difficult to me when I try to sneak in at night.

"It will." I smiled as I stared at the vampire who was acting like a fifteen year old rather than a thousand year old vampire. I pursed my lips, contemplating whether I should confront him or not. Kol was taking us to the chamber tomorrow and I couldn't deny that anxiety wasn't bubbling in the pit of my stomach. My mind kept going back to the conversation I had with Klaus the other day. It just all seemed too easy for my liking, the witches thinking I was dead. The witches have always been one step ahead of us so why now is that plan falling into place?

Something wasn't right and I knew it before everyone else could, the vibes I was getting from Crete were insane. I could faint whispers of voices that I could not recognise and a nervous vibe shook through my body, I shouldn't be here but I could never voice this idea as I was here to fulfil my promise.

This island rejects the idea of Saffron Angels and me being here ruins it's natural way of life, it's plagued with dark magic to make me turn away from the island. It's in attempt to send me to insanity and to run crying from this island. I hated it, I hated the feeling of bugs crawling up my skin, I hate the feeling of nausea that never seemed to go away. Every second I spend here, the headache gets worse and a dull ache can be felt in my muscles.

"You're getting the Crete Vibe, aren't you?" Rebekah appeared beside me, my face was scrunched from trying to ignore the pain but it got stronger. I looked at her with a quizzical glance before gesturing for her continue.

"Come on, Angelina. You're a smart girl, this island is cursed with dark magic to keep the Saffron Girls away. You're going to have a hard night, possibly no sleep. I advise you to get some sleep though because you have a busy today tomorrow and you need all your energy." She patted my shoulder then taking my hand in hers leading me up the stairs away from Kol. She opened a door, to a bed and a desk of drawers.

"This is your room, mine is down the hall. It's not as grand as the house back in New Orleans but it will do for our stay." Wow what a way to spend my last night alive, I thought to myself but never actually voiced the assumption.

"It's cute." I mumbled in attempt to show her that I was disinterested and that I wanted her to leave. She gave me a slight nod, she began to saunter down the hall leaving me in my box room. I sighed, I couldn't believe that I could die tomorrow, or become trapped in the chamber.

I couldn't believe that this might be my last night with Kol and we're going to spend it not talking to each other.

I couldn't believe that this might be my last night and I'm going to spend it alone.

wow so this is gonna be ending soon, i'm not sure how many chapters are left. i have an idea of how i want it to end but i'm not sure yet so yeah

probably by the time i post this, i'll be finished but oh well.


PURE ⇉ KOL MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now