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From The Dining Table


"Angel, I'm not sure if I can do this." Kol nervously fidgeted in his seat, I turned to face him with the warmest smile and nothing but adoration in my eyes. Today, I was taking Kol to meet my parents for the first time and I wasn't going to lie, it will be difficult without Jacob.

"You're like a thousand years old, you must have met your girlfriend's parents at some point!" I laughed jokingly but my laughter ceased at the sight of Kol shaking his head sadly and hanging it in embarrassment. 

"Oh, Kol. Just relax and don't do anything that you wouldn't want Rebekah's boyfriend to do in front of your father." Kol tensed at the mention of his father, Mikael, but relaxed at the reassuring smile I gave him.

"They're going to love you as much as I do." We were both stood on the porch to my house now and Kol turned to me alarmed which my heart was melting at. I had never seen Kol so nervous and the fact it was just because he wanted to meet my parents made my heart warm. To ease his nerves, I turned around to face him and stretched up on my tip toes, planting an affection kiss onto his lips.

Kol instantly relaxed and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer into the kiss until the sound of the mother's clearing of the throat separated us immediately. Both my mother and father stood in the door way with a disapproving glare on their faces but you couldn't deny the slight amusement in my mother's eyes.

"You must be Kol, come in." My mother warmly welcomed my boyfriend into her home but my father was yet to wipe that frown from his face as he eyed up Kol entering our home after thankfully being invited in immediately.

"It's wonderful to meet you Mr and Mrs Knight." Kol politely shook the hand of my mother and firmly shook the hand of my father as he smiled awkwardly at them both. "Come in, both of you. Dinner is almost ready." My mother beckoned for to follow her into the kitchen whereas Kol had to reluctantly follow my father into the dining room.

"You never said he was a looker, Angie." Her mother smirked as she began placing the food onto the individual four plates laid out on the kitchen countertop. "Mom, shut up." I childishly groaned as I knew full well that Kol would be listening in on our conversation.

"Jacob would have thrown him out by now." The woman chuckled but you could still hear the sadness behind the laugh and my heart broke every time I could see it in her eyes. Everyday was still an immense struggle without Jacob but with Kol and all my friends, it was slowly getting better.

"Are you sure you don't want me to move back in? I haven't unpacked my stuff from the boarding house yet and-"

"Angelina, don't be so silly. Your father and I want the best for you and I think doing your studies at the Salvatores is best for you rather than staying here where so many memories remain." My mother immediately interrupted my offer with a sad smile. It was true, I couldn't bear to stay in the house where Jacob and I practically grew up and my parents and the Salvatore brothers wouldn't allow me to live with Kol at only eighteen years old so I moved in with the Salvatores and continued with college from home.

"I love you and Dad so much, you know that right?" It destroyed me inside knowing that I was going to live a life for eternity without my parents and without Jacob but as long as I had Kol Mikaelson by my side, then maybe I'd be able to do it.

There was so many unanswered questions that came with my mortality, would I age? Can I still have children? No ancient book or witch could give us the answers but everybody seemed to believe that the answers to both questions would be no. I can live with that, I'd stay with Kol forever and Kol would never be able to give me children anyway and I could live without that dream for him.

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