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My Way


Today. Today was the day. I was opening the chamber. After nearly a year of preparation, of separation, it was time.

"Are you nervous? Stupid question, of course you are." Bonnie sighed down the phone, I had rang everyone today, including my parents, I was saying my final goodbyes but without actually saying the words. I didn't know what would come of today but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.

"Yes and no, like I'm ready for this. I have been for a while and I can take whatever hits me." I admitted, there was muttering down the line before shuffling.

"Angelina!" Damon's voice shouted down the line, I winced at how loud he was being. I had missed Damon dearly but I had refrained from talking about him from how jealous Kol gets of him. Kol being jealous was so attractive but I didn't want to infuriate him even more.

"Damon! I was going to call you after Bonnie." I playfully teased, I could tell he was rolling his eyes without actually seeing him.

"Yeah sure you was, how is Crete?" He asked but I could tell he was furious that I was here, this was the last thing Damon ever wanted. He never wanted me to open this chamber and I know that he hates himself for letting me go. I hadn't even told him that I would have to stay with Kol, not because I'm his guardian angel but because I adore him too much to let him go.

"Painful." I winced, reminding myself of the continuous pain I felt through my body every growing second of being on this island. I can imagine it will grow worse the closer I get to the chamber.

"Bonnie told me, listen Angie. Just ditch the elders and come home. I'll buy your plane ticket and then-"

"I don't think so, Salvatore." Klaus snatched the phone from my hand and placing it against his ear with a smile to his face. He sent a wink my way before walking away with my phone arguing with Damon about the whole ordeal. I rolled my eyes at their debate, I locked eyes with Kol who was stood in the doorway watching me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I giggled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear bashfully.

"Darling, I wish I could come up with some romantic, cheesy answer but I just enjoy staring at you." His British accent becoming extremely more prominent.

"Come here." I held my hands out, sitting crossed legged on my bed waiting for him to join me. He sighed softly before begrudgingly making his way over to the bed with a slight smile to his face. He climbed next to me, sitting in front of my crossed legged.

"I want you to make me a promise, you must keep this promise, okay?" I clutched his hands with mine, my thumb brushing his palm comfortingly. He looked at me reluctantly before nodding hesitantly with uncertainty in his eyes.

"If something happens to me today, I just need you to stay in this routine you have gotten yourself into. No more angry outbursts, no more random massacres. This is a good you and I don't want my death to ruin that." He shook his head violently, waiting to shout something back at me with rage.

"Angel! I can't, I can't believe you just said that. You're not going to die, and if you die I'll be heartbroken." He still didn't promise me, but I suppose that was the best I was going to get.

"I really like you, Kol Mikaelson." I giggled, placing a small kiss to his lips. He grinned, his eyes gleaming. Kol and I had not said "I love you's" yet but I knew we were not far from saying them. I wasn't sure if I loved Kol, I had never been in love and I had no idea how it feels to be in love. Kol consumes my thoughts, his name brings a smile to my face his laugh brings warmth to my heart but to be in love with someone. Did it feel like this? Did it feel like you wanted to explode with joy, compassion and adoration?

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