Story: Thirty-one

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AN-  thanks to ChilleTales and DawnGothGirlLove for the idea.


You cuddled up to his side, breathing evenly. He was still reading. He'd gotten really absorbed into the book, and you were glad for that.
He was smiling softly, eye light scanning each page swiftly before he'd continue speaking. You watched him, eyes half closed, and watched how his mouth worked.
It looked like bone, but didn't seem to work like it.

".... 'it's abominable! Unspeakable! Sacrilege!' 'First and foremost, it is necessary,' Mr. Bennet replied cooly. "And, secondly, it is overdue. As for all those other things, I can but agree...'" He read softly.

You smiled at him. He didn't notice the look you were giving him.

"... Mr. Bennet- .... heh, um, (Y/n)?" 

You blinked to clear away the drowsiness. "Hm?"

"What happened to you?"

There was a long pause. He stared at the page he'd left off on, avoiding your eyes. "What... what do you mean?"

"Before you met me. You weren't alone forever. You'd known Tori, and you have an ex. It's like this house, almost. You only let me see some rooms, but others, those are just closed off. Why's that?"

You thought for a minute. "You do it too."

"But we're not talking about me. I said you. What's happened to you to make you act like this?" He finally looked at you.

Your throat felt dry, and you cleared it. "Uh... not much. Just a few..." You couldn't think of anything.

"... Please?" He smiled a little.

You didn't return the gesture. "I don't know... here, to put it simply, I made a small little mistake when I was younger, and it messed up my present. That.... it's really all there is to it."

"So what'd your ex do to you."

You hate him. Not your ex, at this moment, but Sans. "Something."

"... Something...?" He lifts his brow bones.

"... Something bad. That's all."

"Something bad enough to screw with your head?" He asks. "I mean, you saw him, and freaked. So I'm guessing it must have been bad."

You shift uncomfortably. "Okay, I may have been in an abusive relationship at one point, but Tori helped me out of it. It's over. I just forgot it."

He stared at you, and you felt it again. Just like that first time you'd met him.
You're being judged.

"Obviously not." He whispered.

Holy shit. Well, that hit you right in the feels. What, could he read minds or some shit? Your chest constricted. "I-I just, didn't think it was th-that important anymore. Why remember something that would kill you everytime you- you talked about it?"

He shook his head. "If you forget you're mistakes, then you can't learn from them. I bet you never let yourself cry in front of him."

Your breath quickened. "U-um-"

"You didn't look at him when he yelled."

You pulled away from Sans, turning to stare at the blank TV.

"You can't just ignore this. I mean, look at you." He leaned forward to see your face.

What's there to see? I'm just the same as before.


Don't say my name.


You tried to take a breath, and barely got even a little bit of oxygen. Calm down. "I-I don't-"

"Don't say that. You know. You've always known, you're denying it, is all." His hand found your shoulder, and you cringed. "Your killing yourself."

Not yet. "... I still haven't cried over him." You said hesitantly. Oh god I sound like a moody teenager. When he stayed silent, you took a small breath. "B-because it seems pathetic. Don't you think? I mean, crying over someone like him..."

"Like you ex."

You nodded, slowly. "His name was Stephan. Cool name, hm? Yeah, just gonna point out I like Sans way more." He laughed softly behind you, and you blushed faintly.

"Yeah, I agree. He's even got an Asshole name."

"Sans!" You turned and swatted his chest. He yelped and stifled more laughter. "Jeez. Anyways, he was an Asshole. But still, I got pretty messed up. Not that bad though."

"Liar." He nudged you.

With a giggle, you felt your tensed lungs loosen up their knots a bit. That's it, calming down. "So I was actually an alcoholic too. That's what he pushed me to. So I went into rehab, and got counseling. That's how I met Tori."

He nodded slowly. "How long's it been?"

"Two years, at least. I'm off my medication- I had PTSD but it wasn't cuz of him- And I barely drink at all. Tori stopped counseling, I guess." You shrugged.

"Feel better?"

Not a single bit. In fact, I feel a little worse. "Yeah, heh. It's good to get that off my chest." You resurfaced older memories. "I'm remembering a lot of things, and it's kind of funny." You shrugged again.

He gave you a quick hug and said, "I'm making you some tea. You drink it a lot. Also," He glanced at you. "Don't lie. I know those aren't funny at all."

You stared after him, then licked your lips. Chapped. Well shit. You gasped out a breath and quickly sucked in another. You stood up and took a minute to gather yourself before following him into the kitchen.

He was in fact, making you some tea.

"Hey, thanks." You said quickly.

He handed you the cup. "Your welcome."

You snatched the hem of his sleeve. "No, really, for everything. I should really have a warning label. 'Don't date unless you want baggage.'"

He stared at you steadily. "You're not baggage."

You couldn't handle it. You burst out in tears, quickly leaning down a bit to drink some tea. Sans didn't look the least but surprised.

"You humans are so emotional," He muttered, taking away the cup and pulling you close.

"I -hic!- hate you so much r-right now."

"Of course you do."


AN- You bunnies are so emotional :3

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