chapter 29 [Akashi's personalities]

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Time flew by quite fast, not long ago was Seijurou's birthday and now it's time for winter cup. Not to my surprise, Seijurou was practicing hard, but he seems to do it alone these days.

When I asked the guys as to why is that, they just said he's always like that and to them it's useless to practice, since they'll win anyway. Especially against the first team, they usually are really weak.

That's what they said anyway.

Before this, Seijurou did face some school in order to get to the higher level of winter cup and the way Seijurou talked about it told me that he easily beat them.

And now Rakuzan high will be facing against one of the stronger schools at the whole championship game in about 45 minutes.

"Good luck." I said to Seijurou who's currently tieing his shoelaces "I hope you win."

"I'll win." Seijurou responded confidently without looking up to me and continued to do his thing.

"Oh...yeah..of course." I laughed awkwardly. "By the way.... not it's my business or anything, but I can't help but notice that you seem to practice alone quite a lot lately."

Seijurou looked up from his bag to me with his usual expression. "Is there anything wrong with it?"

"No, not really, but from what I know, shouldn't you practice with your teammates? Maybe then you can coordinate better?"

"Does it matter?" Seijurou asked back. "As long as they're good and we win, there's no need for them to practice. I'll not force them."


"Don't get involved with this." Seijurou said rather coldly as he stood up from his seat. "I know what's best."

"...okay.." I said slowly letting Seijurou stood up from his seat and started walking towards me.

"Good." He smiled, patting my head. "Now stay here for awhile, I need to meet up with some people."

"Some people..?"

"My former teammates." Seijurou replied back pushing the door open and faced me once more.

"Oh.." I said simply as I nodded my head. "Uh.. have fun..but...who-"

"I'm going to fill you in on them later." He sighed. "For now just stay here."


And with that Seijurou's out of the room.

I stared at the door for a while before mentally shouting at Seijurou for leaving me here and furthermore telling me to stay here.

This is the boys' locker room!

What is he thinking!?

Sure it's reserved for the Rakuzan team ,how Seijurou's the one who allow me in and how it's empty at the moment, but I can't stay here alone!

What if someone was searching for Seijurou or one of the guys and only to see a girl here?


And so, without thinking any further, I ran out of the room. Since I have to idea where to go next, I followed Seijurou from behind.

Secretly, of course.

I followed Seijurou as he went outside the stadium and towards the stairs that were occupied by a couple of boys there.

Afraid that he noticed my pressense, I hid behind one of the pillars that was there and observed them from here, not that I could see anything now that I'm crouching.

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