chap 1 :O:O:O

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doing here. After all, it was rare for her ex-bestie to show her face so carelessly, especially after what she'd pulled during last year's prom.

  "I will effing cut you, Kelsey. I'm cereal."

  "Babes, I heard about Dustin. You deserve way better than the captain of the football team, anyway." Kelsey reached out to comfort Tamara, but she coldly snapped her shoulder away.

  "O-M-G, I'm so over Dustin! I broke up with him like two days ago, it's Justin I'm with now! He's super fetch and plays bass, but he still won't let me backstage at any of his gigs! I swear, it's not even worth dating college guys anymore!"

  "Dating...? That's not what I heard," Kelsey snickered. Tamara threw another glare at her rival, who glared in retaliation. The two girls glared at each other, until Tamara glared back through her own head into the mirror to glare at Kelsey. For no explicit reason, she felt the need to recite everything about her appearance, aloud in her head for anyone who might be reading her thoughts like they were words on a page.

  Look at her, standing there with her straightened blonde hair that glows like the sun and open-buttoned pink shirt that screams formal-casual attire. Even her purse has a matching strap with stupid extracurricular club badges on it, she's so popular I can't stand it!

  Gritting her teeth, Tamara pulled her school bag over her arm and slammed into the blonde as she passed. "Don't start with me, Kels. At least I stick with one hot piece at a time... You've always been the school bike, everyone's had a ride."

  As she opened the door to make one of her patented dramatic exits, Tamara could just barely catch Kelsey's curt laugh from behind her. Already on the move, she decided not to dignify her sworn enemy's last words with a response.

  "Everyone, huh? Maybe it's Dustin's turn..."


  Storming out of the polished school gates, her ride was already waiting in its usual assigned parking spot. After ripping the shiny-pink limousine's door from its hinges and collapsing inside, Tamara threw her arms theatrically over her head and groaned in emotional pain.

  "Esteban, drive! I'm sick of this stupid place!"

  The Dizzle family's wise-cracking manservant obeyed without question, acting as her private chauffeur for reasons that will never be answered. "Bad day at the workhouse, young Miss?"

  "O-M-F-G, stop trying to talk to me, Esteban!! No one cares about how hard my life is!" Tamara cried, rolling up the privacy screen between her and the driver's side. It always used to cheer her up, taking her teenage angst out on the paid help of her stately manor... but not this time.

  Lately, the drama in her life had been reaching peak levels. BFFs splitting apart, cheating on each other, starting catfights; even her own boyfriends had been acting up, not behaving in the rebellious ways she wanted them to. It all seemed so unfair, like someone else was writing the story of her life.

  Her beautifully-dilated eyes drifted out of the window and across the vivid scenery of downtown Detroit, a city renowned for its glitz and glamour. Tall spires of grey rubble jutted out from the Earth's crust, and the islands of trash floating in the river shimmered brightly under the late afternoon's sun. A dazzling wonderland, fitting for a gem like Tamara.

  The private vehicle curved into her private estate, where her private family home resided in a private gated residential. Just as she began to admire Daddy's 10,000,000 acre plot, fitted with diamond trees and all kinds of equestrian life, a peculiar shadow overtook the hood of her limousine.

  Esteban halted on the brakes, bringing down the privacy screen with an alerted look in his plebian eyes. "Y-Young Miss! I do believe we've hit something—"

  "Arrgh! Are you kidding me, Esteban?!" Kicking the door open, Tamara bunched her fists as she circled around to the front. Laying on the ground was a boy around her age, dressed from head-to-toe in a black leather duster, with lashings of chains and piercings all over his face and body.

  His dyed-black fringe covered his brow, although he didn't seem to be in any pain. Shrugging it off with a scowl, the stranger seemed to recognise her somehow. Then again, it would be a crime to not notice the most popular girl in Detroit's rich history of classy broads.

  "I'm fine. Lay off." Clutching his arm as he stood up, the bad boy was clearly too tough and handsome to accept any medical aid from the panicked Esteban. Throwing another grimace at the brunette, his dark stare lingered for a few seconds too long.

  "Who are you supposed to be?" Tamara finally sneered, leaning against her billion-and-a-half dollar ride. "Daddy doesn't take any solicitors."

  "Name's Vladimir. Brody Vladimir."

  "Seriously?" she guffawed, barely covering her mouth. "Are you meant to be a vampire or something—"

  "No! God, why do people keep saying that?! Just watch where you're driving," he huffed, pulling his hoodie up to cover his face before stomping off in a depressive hunch.

  No one had ever brushed her off before, especially not like that. Tamara stood in her driveway, clutching her chest as she watched the mysterious bad boy strut away. His shadow dipped behind a parked van and disappeared out of sight, almost like some kind of vampire magic. Or the laws of perception, she couldn't be sure.

  "Esteban, did you see that?" Tamara whispered, tightening her fist around her gemstone-studded designer clothing.


  "That vampire is totes obsessed with me... Finally, my very own stalker! I can't wait to rub my restraining order in Kelsey's face, that fugly tramp will be sooo jelly!"

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