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The blaring of Tamara's formerly-relevant One Direction alarm clock lifted her from the sweetness of her dreams, at least compared to her lesser reality. The band she once admired from afar had long since fractured, but their prepubescent voices still serenaded her in the delicate embrace of sleep.

Rolling onto her back, she gazed into the conveniently-placed wall-sized mirror and noted her reflection. Her silky-brown hair twirled itself across her soft shoulder, looking radiant even without having combed it. Before she could get lost in describing her own features again, something strange happened.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Tamara's phone blew up — literally — exploding into a million pieces from the sheer number of texts she'd received overnight. A common occurrence for someone as popular as her, she grumbled inwardly as she reached into her dresser drawer and pulled out one of her dozen spare cells.

She hadn't recalled scheduling any drama bombs at this hour, which was confusing... It was busy work, trying to keep everyone's minds focused on her. Flipping up her screen, Tamara's never-undilated eyes read each post with cat-like precision; the only kind of precision.

-Is it true that you're dating Brody? O-M-G, that's #hilarious!

-Cheating on Justin, what a skank! Like this if you agree!

-You know he's not even a real vampire, right?

"Aaargh! F-M-L!!" Tamara screamed, throwing her phone into the now moderately-sized mirror, shattering its dimensions permanently. "I'm going to shove a buttload of garlic up that blood sucker's pasty white—"


Before Tamara and the Wattpad board of censors knew it, she was already storming past the school gates, ignoring the huddles of students that encapsulated her march. Everyone's eyes were on her, but not in the usual 'wish I was her' way. They were gossiping behind her back, talking about matters she hadn't even gotten the chance to leak yet.

Slamming her well-defined forehead into her locker, she pulled herself out of the dent and began the laborious process of unlocking the various high-tech security measures that the school had supplied her with. After she was finished with the retinal scanner and urine test, she was just about to enter her locker's 128-digit passcode when a large, sexy shadow took her into its fold.

"What did you do?"

That deep-cutting voice could only belong to him. Tamara swallowed her gallons of saliva, containing her thirst as she tried to rehearse the dramatic speech she'd went over countless times in her head.

"What did I do?" Tamara N. Dizzle asked, turning to face Brody Vladimir, who looked like he hadn't slept at all last night, or even this century. "You're the one that told everyone we're OTP! First of all, eww. Second of all, how can you even think that I would be interested in someone who doesn't even own a bass guitar? Fourth of all, how desperate do you have to be—"

"You missed third," he scoffed with a temper, brushing his long fringe back into the shade of his hood. "Can you even count?"

"Yeah, well... If anyone knows about counts, it's you!"

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Because vampires! O-M-G, see how much stupider you are than me?!" Tamara's cheeks puffed up to anime proportions because she's adorable like that, ripping open her steel locker with sheer force. She never needed her textbooks on account of being born as a child prodigy, but it made her look busy with something other than sinful white boys, so she took them anyway.

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