Chapter Four

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             Hannah and James looked up as Dr. Cooper came back out, shaking his head sadly. He looked at them, and sat down across from them.

     "Well....She does have scarlet fever. But....there's more." Hannah looked even more worried.
     "What?" He bowed his head sadly, and took a deep breath.
     "Being thrown from her horse....It severely injured her back. She....if she makes it, she won't ever be able to walk again. Her legs.....she's completely paralyzed from the waist down. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do, but I'll keep praying." He headed out, and Hannah started sobbing. James wrapped his arms around her, trying not to start crying as well.

      "I'll let David and Jude know that Grace, Ellie, and the boys need to stay away." He said quietly. She nodded, and slowly stood, going in. Joel stared, shocked. If she made it, she would never be able to walk again. He looked around, trying to find Lucas or whatever his name was again. He followed James next door, where David, Jude, and Grace all were. Ellie was at her house with the three boys, keeping an eye on them. Grace stood to move towards him, but he put his hand up.

       "Don't. You all are going to have to stay away for awhile. She's got the scarlet fever." David closed his eyes, covering his mouth with his hand.
       "I thought she had that when she was a baby." He shook his head..
      "No. And if....if she makes it, she....she's never going to be able to walk again." Grace started crying, and David stood, hugging her. Jude rubbed his forehead, sighing and looking up.

      "I'll let Ellie know. She and Isaiah haven't had it before, so we'll have to make sure they don't get it." James nodded, sitting and rubbing his eyes.
      "Why did God allow this to happen to her? She's never done anything to deserve being in this situation." He whispered, finally allowing the tears to escape.
      "Where is he?" Grace came over, sitting down beside him and placing her hand on his.
      "I don't know why this is happening. Maybe he wants to teach us something with this. She's been faithful to him for as long as I can remember. He's not trying to punish her. We just have to trust him." James looked up, smiling sadly.
       "You're right. I've got to head back." As he heard out, Joel remembered something from a song Sydney loved, and said it quietly.

        "This is not how it should be. This is not how it could be. But this is how it is. And our God is in control." James looked up, startled, and Joel froze. He couldn't have heard him....could he? James shook his head, and kept walking. Joel followed, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. Then he saw Lucas again, and headed towards him.

       "The song was a nice touch. And yes, he heard you." Joel was trying really hard not to punch Lucas.
       "I think I know who you are finally." He held up his hand.
       "Don't worry about that. It's not relevant. So you finally figured out what you were missing with Sydney?" Joel clenched his fists.
       "Yeah, I did. If I have, why am I still here? I want to go back. I want to see my daughter again." Steven shook his head.
       "I can't answer that. My best guess is Rebecca and her family still may need you. Things here aren't finished yet." Joel turned around, looking at the little house.
       "But how can I-" He turned back around, and Steven was gone again. He groaned, heading back to the house. He went in Rebecca's room, sitting down beside her. She turned towards him, and smiled weakly.

       "You look like my dad." Joel finally realized she was talking to him.
       "Well, I'm not." He said gently, smiling at her.
      "And you look exactly like my daughter, Sydney Grace." Rebecca smiled.
      "Then how are you here? And where is she?" Joel sighed.
       "I'm not sure. I was in an accident, and I was dying. Then I just woke up here. And she's back home, wherever it is." Rebecca looked him in the eye.
       "You love her very much, don't you?" He nodded.
      "Yeah. But I'm not sure she knows just how much I love her. How are you feeling?" She coughed, nearly throwing up.
       "That's me right now." Joel took her hand, rubbing it.
       "Rebecca, I may not know your father. But I know one thing. He doesn't want to lose you. I wouldn't if I were your father. You've gotta fight. Remember that song you've been working on?" She nodded.
       "Well, it's getting close to Christmas. Maybe you can sing it then. But you have to fight. Alright? Now you get some sleep." She nodded, snuggling back into the pillow. She opened one eye, looking at him.
        "Then show her. I think once she sees how much you love her, she'll realize how lucky she is to have you." She quickly fell asleep.
        "I hope so, Rebecca." He whispered, looking at her again.
       "I hope so."

Author's note- Hello! Huge shout out to jilnysoto for figuring out who the mystery man is. Have you? If so, comment down here! Thanks for reading! Love you guys!- Craver_Priceless

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