Chapter Five

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Hannah came out of Rebecca's room, her eyes red, and dark circles under them. Rebecca had been sick for almost a month now, and Joel really wanted to go home now. He hadn't seen Steven at all, and that confused him. She collapsed in the rocking chair, rubbing her eyes. James came in, sitting down at the table.

"Still not any better?" Hannah shook her head, and Joel sighed.
"I've tried everything. Medicine, cold cloths, and she can't keep the broth down. I don't know what to do anymore?" She started crying quietly, and James stood, putting his arms around her.
"God knows what he's doing." He whispered.
"Something beautiful will come out of this fire. We just don't see it yet." Joel went back in her room, watching as she tossed and turned, sleeping fitfully. He sighed.

"Keep fighting, sweet girl. You can do this." It was December 2. Suddenly, he heard pounding and shouting. It sounded like there were people arguing. He slipped out, catching the tail end if the conversation.

"We're going to do it, got it?" David sighed heavily.
"But why? What have they done?" Nathan glared at him.
"I saw what he did, and that's enough for the town. So it's going to happen, whether or not you like it." Joel headed back as Nathan left. Hannah was giving James a plate, and he sat down. Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door. Hannah went to the door, opening it slightly.

"David! What's going on here?" He came in, locking the door behind her. His face was as white as a sheet.
"They're coming. Half the town, and Nathan. They want you arrested, James." He stood, and Joel stared.
"What? Why?! He hasn't done anything wrong!" Hannah shot up, her eyes wide with fear.
"No....but Nathan claims he has witnesses to him doing something. But it's not true, I'm positive." Suddenly, they all heard shouts and pounding on the door. David slowly opened it, revealing Nathan....And half the town. They all had guns and furious looks on their faces. Nathan smirked, looking from David to James.

"Well, well, well. Seems you decided to work with me. You know what has to be done now. He's the one that tore up the saloon. Every one of these people saw him." James looked completely disgusted.
"That's a bold-faced lie, and you know it!" He snapped, and Hannah had to stop him from charging them. Joel really wished he could do something. David slowly drew his pistol, and put his finger on the trigger. Then he turned to Nathan, throwing it at his feet.

"No. I won't. I know he wasn't the one who did it, because I arrested him already. You just want the church to be torn apart. I won't have any part in it!" Nathan glared at him.
"Enough games, David! Do it, now!" David shook his head as Nathan took out his own pistol.
"I won't! His daughter is in another room, possibly dying! I won't take him away from her, especially now. I wouldn't do it in a million years." He glared at David.
"Ok. So you wanna do this the hard way. I can do that." He pulled the trigger, right as James yelled.
"David, look out!" David dropped to the porch, blood oozing from two wounds in his shoulder and one in his side. Hannah screamed, dropping down beside him.

"Stop! I'll come with you.....just stop this." James stepped forward, and he was dragged off, and Joel couldn't bear to watch. The crowd took every available chance to physically harm him, kicking and punching. David tried to stand, and Hannah helped him. Between the two of them, he got to the spare bed inside. Hannah ran to Jude and Ellie's, finding Grace there.

"Grace!" She gasped. " me..." She shot up, following her back to the house. The two women immediately started working, and Joel went in with Rebecca.

"You're still here." She said quietly, struggling to speak. He smiled slightly.
"Yeah. You feeling any better?" She shrugged, coughing again.
"What happened? I heard Sheriff No-good, uncle David, Dad, and gunshots." Joel sighed, explaining. She nodded silently.
"God knows what he's doing." She said weakly, trying to sit up.
"No, don't try and get up. You need to rest." She lay back down, sighing, and she started coughing again. Hannah came in, and she looked at her mother.

"God will take care of them. He knows what he's doing right now." Hannah sat beside her, smiling weakly.
"I know that, baby. It's just really hard to see him in this situation. But I know he's right here." She smiled, closing her eyes. Hannah gently placed a wet cloth on her forehead.

"I know. But maybe we could all learn something from you. Always cheerful, always trusting. Why can't we all be that way?" Joel smiled. Maybe they could all learn something from her. Then he felt pressure on his hand, and the room flickered. He gently squeezed, and then he heard Sydney's voice again.

"Mum! Mum, I think he's waking up. Dad! Dad, please. Come back." He pushed himself, fighting to reach wherever she was. He felt pressure on his other hand, and It was all black. Moriah held one hand, and Sydney held the other. He kept fighting, kept pushing...trying to reach them, trying to get to them......but then it faded. He was back in Rebecca's room again, and Hannah was leaving.

"No!" He screamed, dropping to his knees, tears pouring down his cheeks.
"God, no!! Please! Let me go back! Let me go back, God! Please!!!" He started crying quietly.
"Please." He whispered.

Author's note- Hello! I'm sorry for this chapter. There might be an update tomorrow, but it'll probably be on Tuesday. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading!- Bella Rae

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