Chapter Nine

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           Sydney stood beside her dad, waiting quietly in the dark for the lights to come up. It had been a year since his near-death experience, and he seemed to have mostly recovered. Their relationship had also become more than she had ever imagined it could be. He had told her about what he'd seen, with Rebecca and her parents. Now, when she wasn't playing basketball, she was performing with For King And Country. The opening beat for Run Wild started, and she saw her dad clearly, using the mic and megaphone. They got to the middle, and she shocked everyone there by flawlessly doing Andy Mineo's piece. They also did Fix My Eyes, Shoulders, Proof Of Your Love, Priceless, Fine Fine Life, Love's To Blame, and she and Joel did Without You. After the performance, she found her dad on the bus, looking at the ground.

      "Hey. If you're still thinking about Rebecca's family-" He nodded.
       "Yeah. I can't get them off my mind. Did you know we almost lost you when you were born?" She sat down beside him, shocked.
       "Wait....what?" He chuckled slightly, gently taking her hand and squeezing it. He looked through his wallet, taking out a picture of her as a baby.
       "You came too early, at almost six months. The doctors said since you were premature and hadn't grown enough, you wouldn't make it. were so tiny, I could hold out both of my hands, and you would fit in them, with just your feet sticking out slightly. I was terrified that we'd lose you, and....and that I wouldn't ever get to know my baby girl. And then I messed up so badly, pretty much pushing you away." He let a few tears trickle down his cheeks, and she hugged him, scooting as close as she could to him.
        "Dad, you have back. And you're not going to lose me now. Not even to Ben." Joel smiled. She and Ben had been dating for about a year and a half, and things were fairly serious between the two.

       "I know. I believe that, baby. I was an awful dad, but I'm glad we were able to fix things. Seeing what happened with Rebecca and her family.....I was seeing my worst nightmare coming true." She nodded, hugging him.
      "I know. I might've not been too happy with you, but.....The car accident was in a way, one of my worst nightmares." He wrapped his arms around her, feeling so happy, he thought he'd fly.
       "I'm not going anywhere yet, baby girl. You, your mum and I have more time here. And no matter what happens, we're together. That's all that matters."

Author's note- Hello! Sorry it's so short.......and more chapter with James and Hannah, and then do you want one last thing from Joel, Moriah, and Sydney, or no? Tell me in the comments! Also, thanks for putting up with me and my sad stories! And go check out one I absolutely LOVE by jilnysoto, People Change. And while you're at it, check out her book of Joriah pictures. Love you guys!- Craver_Priceless

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