Open for dating.But,Im pregnant..Sorry. Chapter 1 [Part1]

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Im so very sorry it's so short.!

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I hate it when people stare. Yes I know I'm pregnant and young but that doesn't make it right to stare at me like I'm a freak. Thank you very much. This is why the simple task of just going to the mall suck's it use to be something I did quite often. But now I dreaded it. I hate maternity clothes Yes, they are comfy and stretchy but definitely NOT my style. But this is all apart of what I sadly have to give up. I don't go to the mall alone. I go with Megan. My best friend sense we were in diapers. She Was beautiful long blondish brown streaked hair that went to her back. She was thin and tall. She looks like a model. She doesn't wear makeup, she's better without it. I myself don't wear makeup I don't need it I like the natural look. I have long Jet black hair. Big bright blue eyes. I was skinny and tall. Well I use to be skinny anyways. Now im fluffy and round and the center of attention no matter how much I tried to get away I couldn't everywhere I go it fallows me. It has me checking if im still sane. Some people think I am now a freak or feel bad for me because of my tummy. Its only a baby not a huge Boyle on my face. I'm still me. I haven't changed one bit. Well instead of craving everything imaginable and puke every time I smell Stake. Which was Jake's favorite food. He make's me wanna puke. Now life as a soon to be single parent seemed frighting. I was scared to death what if I wasn't gonna be good at it. Oh god what If I drop her. Megan's voice pulled me out of my though.

"Drinna. Look!" She said excited as she pointed at a huge maturity store.

"Oh My God. My prayers have been answered!" I threw my hands in the air thanking god for this wonderful store.

I quickly ran into the store titled ''Babybump" And went threw the racks like a crazy woman. They have all the best clothes. I screeched when I found the cuties top. I have never been so happy to see a shirt.

''Here, These will go perfect with that." Megan handed me some pants.

I walked to the checkout desk to ask wear the fitting rooms where. I walked to the Direction she pointed in. I walked with my head down. I ran in to a small figure. I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Jordan?" I said questionly her head to was down. But quickly snapped up at the sound of her name.

"Oh...Oh god. Audrina.Um. I was getting this for my um friend." She said way to quickly.

"Your Pregnant arnt you." I said looking at her stomic I clearly showed she looked my size.

"Uh. I am but please don't tell anyone."

"Well isn't that just a bitch now isn't it Jordan. You treated me like shit when we found out I was, You kicked me out of the 'Group'. What expects you to think I wont make your life hell?" I said getting angry quickly.

"The reason why I was so mean to you was that you had Jake's baby and you where strong enough to admit it was his. I'm not."

I looked at her Dumbfounded.

"Are you saying its Jake's baby.?" I said the pain shot threw me.

"Yeah, about the same time you got pregnant."

"Im sorry to say but Have fun in hell jordan." I pushed her outta my way and walked in to try on the clothes which fit well I mite add.

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