Open for Dating.But,Im pregnant..Sorry [Part3]

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2 months later.

Sometimes I wonder if ill ever stop eating. I think not. My life with this baby hasn't been easy. Everyday at school People informed with new information about myself I didn't even know. But it didn't bother me. They had no clue what was going on in my life...So they all can fuck off. My brother had turned in to a 'Can I help you get that?' ' Do you need anything?" kind of person who constantly ask every five minutes if I'm alright. I understand he care's it's sweet but lord if someone could get him off my back for at least Ten minutes I would drop to my knees and kiss the feet they walk on. But I highly doubt that would ever happen. I'm about 4 months now and clearly showing. Yesterday I ate ketchup and rocky road ice cream mixed together, it sounded good until I ate it, it looked better on the floor. I heard my brother unlocking the door I quickly got up to tell him about what I did. But I was stopped in mid jump. A familiar booming voice yelled


"Ash?" I questioned hoping it was the right person.

"Yes Ma'am , Well well well. What do we have here?" he said looking at my tummy

"Yup. Call me whatever you please, but don't expect me to give a shit." I said this because knowing Ash something hurt full and smart was just brewing to come out of his perfectly shaped mouth. God how I use to hate him,But love him all at the same time. It made for a roller coaster of a childhood well that is until he moved out of state with his parents. Hated to see him leave I cryed myself to sleep the night he left. At the time I thought it was stupid for me to do but then I realized he was my childhood love, my Play Ground love. I thought the feelings for him had gone away by now but I was wrong. He was the beautifulest thing my eyes had ever saw. But then I realized I'm pregnant and life would never work out like I would have wanted it to. I would Never get him. He would Never be interested in me.

"Oh, I don't you never did care what I said. But if I mite you still look as beautiful as ever."

I flushed.

"Dude, I thought you where over her, you know like back in the 8th grade?" My brother said annoyed.

I stood there and looked between the two of them. Stunned.

"Um...What did you say?" I looked between the two of them.

"I guess not." Ash said lightly and turned of his heel and ran up the stairs to my brothers room.

I looked at Kellin questionably

"You didn't know?"

"Um...Well obviously not."

"Oh." He said making his mouth form a easy O shape. And he to turned on his heel and jogged up the stairs.

Can anyone have a decent conversation with me with out leaving me in the middle of it? Normally this wouldn't have bothered me but my mood has been swinging a lot lately. I have my days where I just wanna punch everyone in the face or I feel like crying over everything. Today I felt bitchy , Sad , And so hungry I could eat a cow. Maybe five. I fixed my self a combination of Fruit loops, chocolate, and Milk. I went up to my room devoured my food and fell asleep.

I was jolt awake with the feeling of sickness. I burst open my door and ran to that bathroom. There was a set of feet thudding behind me into the bathroom. I felt someone pull my hair outta my face right as I became sick. Perfect timing.

When I was finally finished I sat up against the wall.

"Tough stuff huh kiddo?" Ash looked at me concerned.

"You don't even know the half of it."

"So happy I came back?" He looked me in the eye's

"Surprisingly I missed you." I joked

" Well I hate to say it but, I missed you to." But he wasn't jokeing. He ment every bit of it his eye's told me so.

"So what's this I hear about you liking me way back when.?"

He flushed and looked down.

"Yeah, But I was to chicken to tell you."

I began to make chicken noises. He laughed.

"You know Drinna you haven't changed one bit."

" Oh hunny that is where you are very wrong" I said rubbing my tummy.

"Well I think that" He stopped and pointed at my stomic "Only adds to your beauty." He smiled

"Really? Your not like Grossed out or you know...well.."

"Not at all. My feeling's can never change. Now matter how much you do."

Be begun to cry. Of all time's I cry now. Jesh I hated this.

"Oh, No I didn't mean anything bad by that." He said quickly wiping away my tears.

"That is about the sweetest thing I have ever heard. And sorry can't control it." I turned red.

"Oh, so Umm... is it a boy or girl...?"


"Your brother told me about Jake."

"He's a lost cause and an old memory. Im gonna do my best WITHOUT his help. I don't need him."

"You where always a independent child. Im here no matter what I will act like this childs baby if thats what you want. I am going to help you whether you like it or not."

I looked him in the eyes and hugged him as tight as my body let me

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear. I felt the need to kiss the feet he walked on.

Open for Dating.But,Im pregnant..SorryWhere stories live. Discover now