tasks—returning a CD, buying a birthday gift, paying a bill—would have been completed. Without a schedule, people don't like to do menial chores unless they're 100 percent necessary. There's also a good chance that he would have forgotten about the Anthro paper topic altogether after the last-minute study group came up.
What about the big-picture reminders from Sunday— calling home, scheduling internships, creating a guitar- practicing schedule? Those would have been pushed out of his head completely by the demands of near-future deadlines. Without a system to capture them, we can't expect Stephen to remember long-term ideas for any extended period of time.
Most important, without the system, Stephen would have completed much less schoolwork on Monday. The day would have focused, more or less, only on the Government reading, because that was the only big task actually due the next day. Without time labels, Stephen would have had a much hazier understanding of his free time, so he probably wouldn't have started this reading until later in the afternoon (for the most part, students don't like to start any work without a large block of free time ahead of them). Remember, however, that this assignment took a couple of hours to complete, so that means if Stephen had waited until the afternoon to start, he would have finished only this single task by 5:00, with
the Econ problem set and Anthro paper topic likely