Even the simplest systems can come across as confusing when first described. So let's go through a quick example that will show you how to put this system into practice. Stephen's story is based upon the real-life college experiences of myself and the many students I interviewed. If you're already at college, what follows will seem familiar. If you haven't yet started your undergraduate career, don't panic! Yes, Stephen has a lot on his plate. Notice, however, how he uses our system to keep control of his many obligations. Though he can't finish everything in one day, he remains confident that everything that needs to get done will get done in time. As you read this example, imagine how Stephen's stress might increase, and his efficiency decrease, if he didn't have his list and calendar to guide his actions and capture the new to-dos and deadlines that constantly pop up.
Monday Morning
Stephen gets up early because he has class at 9:30 A.M.—a horrible thing. He grabs his calendar from his desk and roots around in his hamper to find the sheet of notebook paper that he used as yesterday's list. He has
only a couple of minutes before class, but that's okay.