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You walk around the city. It's raining. You see the lights on in stores or restaurants. You stand in the rain digging in your pocket. Your hand desperately searching for money.  You find ten dollars in your pocket so you pull it out. A small smile appears on your face and you walk right in the restaurant. The waiter walks up to you and you hold up one finger and say "A table for one please." The waiter brings you to a table and sets a menu and water on the table. It continues to rain and your soaked with the raindrops that landed on your clothes. You look through the menu to find something good but cheap to eat. You find a tuna sandwich for only five dollars. Two minutes pass and the waiter comes back. "I'd like the tuna sandwich please." you tell him. The waiter writes that down and leaves. You see some people leave the restaurant and you drink your water. You shiver and wrap your arms around you and put your hood up. The waiter comes back with the tuna sandwich. He puts the sandwich on the table and leaves. You smile and take a big bite. The taste makes your smile widen. You finish the sandwich and you have the last sip of your water. While you wait for the waiter you tap your feet and you hum. The waiter comes with the bill and you put the ten dollars in the bill. You leave the restaurant and you walk around the city. Your smile fades and you shiver. You think about your old friend who has left this earth. A tear runs down your face. You put your hand around your eye and you keep walking. You wait for the cars to pass so you can cross the road. You hum a song called flawed design. You look both ways to see if any cars are passing. There are none. You walk in the road but suddenly you see a light. You try to look both ways but something hits you and you fall to the ground. It's very dark. You suddenly see another light and your eyes open slowly. You cant move. Your head is on the cold wet ground. You move your arms and lift up your head just a little bit. You see blood. You freak out and you hear people. You see a man coming towards you and a woman with her phone up to her ear. The noise fades and your head hits the ground once again. Your eyes open slowly and you see that you're in the hospital. You hear only a little bit. A doctor comes in he looks at you with a frown on his face. He tells you you're not gonna make it. You first frown but then you smile. "Great. I want to see my friend again anyways." you say. The doctor shrugs and asks if you have anyone you'd like to tell that you're going to pass. You shake your head. "No one likes me anyways. Not even my family.I have no one." you say. The doctor looks at you. You stare at him. "Wait. There is one person. My sister.Call her please." You say while you give him the number. You suddenly become very tired so you sleep. Someone wakes you up and it's the doctor. He tells you that your sister is there, but not your mom or dad. "Figures." you mumble. Your sister comes in with tears in her eyes. A soft smile appears on your face. You try to move your arms to hug her and calm her down. "I love you. Keep growing and learning. Stay positive and never forget me." you whisper in her ear. She nods. You kiss her forehead. You see a light and the world starts to fade. You hug your sister again. "I love you." you say weakly. The world finally stops to fade. You wake up near a beach. You hear a voice call out your name. You recognize the voice and it's your friends. You smile as tears run down your face. You run towards your friend and you hug them. "I'm where i want to be." You whisper. "Where?" your friend asks. Your tears stop. "Here is my home." you say. 


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