Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

People don't change – or if they do, it's not always for the better.

Calum changed, a lot. I could tell in his voice and in the way he acted – but something about him still managed to captivate me whenever we conversed. As soon as he'd reappeared, the thoughts and memories I'd locked away suddenly came undone and flooded back like a meaningless river of constant pain. And happiness, I suppose – we'd shared a lot of happy times together.

"So, just to recap, I have three months, it has to be all in cash, and you can't pay me back until next year?"

Although he seemed somewhat ashamed of the terms, he nodded and thanked me a few more times.

"What will you do whilst I'm getting the money?"

He shrugged. "I need to find a few part-time jobs – say, do you know anywhere that'll accept someone like me?"



I winced at Michael's loud voice booming down the Hi or Hey corridors and apologised to our colleagues who seemed very distressed because of this sudden commotion.

"Hi, Michael – how you doing?"

Michael crushed Calum in a tight hug, letting out this massive sigh that was worth of an award. "I'm good! I can't believe you're alive, like you go and disappear, then you're declared as dead – and now see where you are! How did you find us?"

My eyes darted to Calum who'd previously told me he'd texted Michael for my address. If it hadn't been Michael... then who?

"I texted you last night and you sent me the address of Luke's place."

Michael went a bright shade of pink, clearing his throat and pulling away from the hug. He saw the look I was giving him and replied, "Er... sorry Luke! I had no idea, I was drunk after all – wait, how did you get my number?"

"Internet. Hi or Hey Records is making quite the name for itself these days."

"I know right?" Michael agreed, becoming all friendly with Calum again. Seeing them just reminded me of when we used to share hotel rooms together, or if not hotel rooms then playing games till late on the tour bus, waking up in a different city every day. I scoffed at myself for being so cheesy, smiling hard at some memory that was long gone.

"What are you smiling at?" Michael questioned. I scratched my head and shook it, responding curtly with a short, sweet, 'nothing'. "We need to go out for drinks tonight – we have so much to talk about! How have you been living, have you eaten well, do you sleep eight hours a day-"

"Michael, we can save that till later," I said through gritted teeth. "Look, can you get Calum a job for three months? It doesn't have to be really specialised, he just needs the money right now."

"Yeah, of course! You used to be really creative – hey, wanna join the song writing team?"

Calum gave me a wary look, as if the prospect of him going back to song writing was unbearable. "I don't think that's a good idea Mikey," I replied. Michael frowned, tapping the side of his cheek whilst he brainstormed.

"Ah – in that case, why don't you work alongside Luke producing music?"

"Michael, I just need a small job-"

"Really! This could be good. You two used to work together so well back in the day. Give it try for a week and feedback – now I've gotta go for a meeting – have fun!"

Michael ran off looking all guilty whilst I was left to stand in awkwardness with Calum. I couldn't work with him again... it'd be too painful and taxing on my mental state. I simply couldn't be myself when he was around, and we both knew that.

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