Ron - Her or Me?

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Lavender Brown, really, out of all people? Ron and I had been friends since we met at Kings Cross station. He was so charming and such a gentleman. He was also the nicest person to me, apart from Harry and Hermione but Ron was just special, he has been ever since the first day I laid eyes on him. This morning I'd finally got the courage to go and tell him how I feel but when I found out the news my confidence dropped to zero! I had just started to walk to potions when I heard, "(Y/N), (Y/N)!" It was Ron shouting from the other end of the extremely long and deserted corridor. I put on a fake smile and said, "Hey Ron, I was just walking to potions." "I gathered that, are you alright by the way?" He asked with concern written all over his face. I looked at him with a confused look, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Maybe because you're crying and putting on the biggest fake smile ever!" I love Ron but there's something that gets me, he can read me like a book! He can tell when I'm happy, sad, frustrated or even a tiny bit excited, it's like he can read my mind! Oh god I hope he can't! "Oh just a book I was reading, got me in a tearful mood?!" I said more of a question than a statement. "You'd be a great liar to everyone else, but (Y/N), I'm your best friend, I know that you're upset and it's not about a bloody book!" "I really need to get to class!" I tried to walk about but Ron grabbed my hand, pulling me back, unfortunately as he did, I tripped over my feet sending me backwards, as the only thing I could possibly grab onto was Ron, I pulled on his shirt, making him fall down with me. "Are you alright?" "Well, if I wasn't before, I'm definitely not now!" "And what about me?! No, am I alright? Ron you didn't even send me note this morning!" Ron was just awkwardly laying on top of me as Lavender had come down the corridor. "Also, what is she doing here, I thought we agreed that you'd never hang out with her anymore, now that you're with me! Remember you don't care about her, even if she is your best friend, I'm your girlfriend and that's all that matters!" A shocked expression appeared all over my face, what? Did he actually say that?!? "(Y/N) I never said that, you have to trust me!" "How am I meant to Ron, Merlin knows what you've been saying about me. Oh and by the way Lavender, no need to worry, I won't be hanging out with Ron anymore, he's all yours!" I said with a sassy tone and a sassy look on my face. This time I ran, I didn't care if I was being too loud or if people were staring at me strangely, I didn't want this to be true, Ron chose Lavender over me, maybe we were never meant to work out. I slowed down running for a bit because my legs were starting to become tired and before I could even walk two paces I was pulled to the side of the corridor and a pair of lips met mine. What? We pulled away and I opened my eyes and saw it was Ron. "I'm sorry I never meant what I said, I'd just never had a girlfriend before and didn't know how to act. Look, I've loved you ever since that day on Kings Cross and I've only just realised it now, so will you, (Y/F/N), be my girlfriend, please!" "Thanks for apologising and I'm so glad you've realised because I don't think I could have kept those feelings I had for you in forever, so of course I'll be your girlfriend!" We leant in for one last kiss and I could tell that the last ten minutes was full of true feelings and love. Maybe we were meant to be together!

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