Neville - Hidden Love

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Imagine for Lizzy_Longbottom sorry this took so long!! I really hope you enjoy it!

Freeing! That's how the water felt. Delicate and smooth, shiny and comforting. The water was my home. Well, partly. I was born half mermaid, half witch. I know what you're thinking! Mermaids in the wizarding world are not friendly!! That's what everyone thinks but I promise you my family is different. We're not like the regular mermaids you find in the lake, we're friendly and kind and well... human!! Unfortunately, no ones sees that at Hogwarts apart from one boy, the love of my life!! Glancing up towards the surface of the water, I see him. His face distorted by the movement of the shimmery liquid that surrounds me. With my green pearlescent tail gracefully gliding through the water I reach the cold, breezy outside air but I am instantly warmed with the sight of my boyfriend. His dark hair slowly waving in the wind, his smile warming my heart. God this boy was so handsome and he didn't even realise it, despite the amount of times I've told him!! I swim towards the edge of the lake and rest my arms on the ledge encapsulating it, smiling widely at the gorgeous boy staring down out me. "So, how was your day?" I ask him not able to take my eyes off of him. "Oh you know the usual, would've been better if you were there though!" My smile got wider and I reached towards the back of his neck and gently pulled him down to capture his lips with mine. "Have you heard about the ball being held tomorrow?" He asked me, making light conversation. "I had actually, Hermione mentioned it, no one had asked her when I spoke to her!!" Neville helped me out of the lake and sat me down on the ledge, sitting beside me as we watched my enchanting fin turn into lanky legs. "Well I was wondering, Miss Y/L/N, if you would do the honour and accompany me to the ball?" My smile widened even further if that were even possible, "Neville, it would be my greatest pleasure" I replied, leaning in to kiss him once more. However, we were interrupted when we heard a certain blonde boy. "Oi Longbottom! What are you doing down here?!" I rolled my eyes, "I better go before someone spots me, I'll see you tomorrow in potions!" My smile slightly faltering, his too. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." My smile grew again as those 3 simple words left his luscious lips. "I love you too. Oh and don't let that blonde demon torment you! You're stronger and better than him!" I tried reassuring him but I know it didn't work. He kissed my hand before he started to walk away and before I swam back into the comfort of the water.
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I woke up feeling content. The main reason behind it was because today was the ball!! I had asked my grandmother a week ago if she could possibly make my dress, she immediately said yes and I couldn't wait to see it!! I let her surprise me with her design and today is the day I can finally lay my eyes upon it. I knocked on her door gently but loud enough so I could be heard, "Come in dear, you're going to love it!" As soon as I took one step into the door my mouth fell agape, it was stunning! It was a bright emerald green with black detailing in a mermaid style, it reflected me perfectly! "Gran, it's... beautiful! I'm lost for words. Thank you so much!" "Any time my dear, you better go, you don't want to be late for class!" She gave me a hug and let me get on my way. I had a great feeling about my classes today, especially as Neville was in every single one! ...
Today couldn't have been anymore perfect. Neville surprised me with flowers first thing this morning by the lake. I don't think we realised it until this morning but tonight at the ball would be the first time we'd be seen together as a couple. Obviously we couldn't tell anyone we were together because, well, I'm a mermaid, not that anyone knows that of course but if they did Neville could get in heaps of trouble! Wizards and mermaids are forbidden to be together! Hence why we thought it better that no one knew. But here are, arm in arm about to walk through the doors of the great hall. "You look stunning by the way" Neville gently whispered in my ear. "Thank you" I replied smiling back at him. We began to dance and honestly I couldn't have felt happier, knowing my love was right beside me. Neville span me round but me being the clumsy clut I was bumped into someone holding a drinks tray. "I am so sorry, here let me help!" I began to bend down to help pick up the glasses when I heard a, "No Y/N, wait!!" But it was too late... what we had feared had already started. I saw the glint of my glittering scales out the corner of my eye and my heart began to race. Neville was by my side in seconds and picked my up from the floor as quickly as he could. Unfortunately he wasn't quick enough as when he began to bolt for the door the music had stopped and all eyes were on us. I looked down and realised I was in full mermaid form. Well, looks like our hidden love is no longer hidden!!!

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