Draco - You're The Reason I Live

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This is for MrsSpock I'm so sorry for the wait, I hope you like it! ☺️ - AwayWithImagination xx

"Victor Krum!" "Fleur Delacour!" "Leah Diggory!" When I heard my name get called out I looked straight towards my brother, sitting with the Hufflepuffs, he definitely deserved to be in that house. Me? I was in Gryffindor, don't get me wrong I loved being in Gryffindor but some part of me wanted to be in Hufflepuff with my Brother. "Harry Potter," again I looked at Cedric with confused eyes, I knew that he knew Harry but I didn't understand how or why his name had been pulled out.


I had came second in the first trial, getting the golden egg was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do. The dragon that I had chosen was a nightmare although from what I heard Harry saying mine wasn't nearly as bad as his!

For the second trial I decided I would start training in advance as I figured out quickly what it was. I went to the lake, I was practicing the bubble head charm when I heard someone talking, it was Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. As I knew they were watching I started to show off. Instead of just practicing the bubble head charm, I started using advanced spells and other charms. I could feel Draco's stare on me so I turned around and looked straight into his eyes, he quickly turned away and started to blush, this made me giggle and caused him to blush even harder. I was there for a little while longer, I was just about to dive into the lake when I felt a tap on my back. It was Draco! "Hey Leah" "Hey Draco, you alright?" "Yeah I'm great, can I um can I help you train?" I started to smile, I must admit I have had a crush on Draco for a while now, I know I shouldn't but there's just something about him that makes me so attracted to him. I realised I hadn't given him and answer and I was just awkwardly staring at him, so I quickly replied with, "yes, please, that would be great!"

With Draco's help I came first in the second tournament, now it was time for the third. The maze. I was extremely scared but also excited. Draco had become a frequent helper of mine, he came and visited me everyday at the lake when I was training, he'd have to sneak away from Crabbe and Goyle. I found it quite cute that he'd always want to help me, he'd be there rain or shine and and he'd never miss a training session no matter what he had to do. By this time we had grown quite close, I say quite, I mean very, there was definitely something between us and now the night before the maze, when I should be preparing for the tournament I'm sat here in his dorm room. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" He asked me pulling me out of my thoughts, "yeah, just a bit!" I gave him a small smile which he then returned, "you don't need to be, I know you'll do great!" I know there was a chance I could die in that maze tomorrow and I knew he was thinking the same thing as we both started to lean in. Suddenly our lips were pressed together moving perfectly in sync, this moment couldn't be anymore perfect! It ended all too soon, "I better get going, I've got to get ready for tomorrow, I'll see you before I go in the maze!" "Alright Leah, night!" "Goodnight Draco!"
Morning rolled around all too quickly, it was time to go into the maze, I sprinted down the hallway to find Draco and once I had found him I'm pulled him into a small room, "Hey, good luck for today!" "Thanks, I think I'm going to need it!" Draco looked at me with a frown, "No! You'll do great, I know you will!" We walked out of the room and I made my way towards the maze, my heart beating at 1000 beats per minute! I turned around, no one was around so I just said it as quickly as I could, "I love you Draco!" Just then he turned around and ran towards me and pulled me in for a kiss, once we had pulled away his whispered into my ear, "I love you too Leah!" We broke apart and went our separate ways, he went to the watching stands and I went towards the entrance of the maze. The canon went off and that was it, the third and final tournament had begun...

It felt as if we had been in here for days, I felt so lost and I didn't know where I was but I just kept thinking of Draco and what he said, "I love you too Leah!" It just kept replaying in my mind, each time it gave me butterflies! I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt that I had bumped into something, someone. It was Victor Krum! I looked up at his face and his eyes, they didn't look like normal eyes, he had been possessed, possessed by the maze! All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain all over my body, I looked down and saw that I was bleeding from my stomach, Victor had used a spell which had given me a wound that would kill me. Everything started to go black, I slowly sank to the ground in pain and awaited my fate.
My eyes started to flicker open, I looked around me, I was no longer in the maze but in the hospital. I looked to my left and saw Draco sitting in a chair, eyes closed, holding onto my hand. "Draco!" I said only slightly above a whisper. As mine did only moments ago, his eyes started flickering open. "Leah! Merlin's beard! You're ok!" "Yes Draco I'm ok!" I said giggling afterwards. However a confused look came across my face, "How did I get here?" Draco smiled at me, "Harry pulled you out of the maze and the moment I realised it was you I came running towards you, I picked you up and took you straight to the hospital, they said if we had waited any longer you'd have been gone. I'm so glad I got you out of there, people started crowding around you, nobody knowing what to do, everyone thought you were dead, luckily Madame Pompfrey was able to attend to you straight away!" A massive grin appears on my face halfway through this story, "You saved me Draco, you are the reason why I lived, thank you!" I pulled him in for a kiss and we stayed there for a few moments until we heard someone clear their voice, it was Madame Pomfrey, we pulled away and started to giggle. I'm so glad Draco had saved me, I have no idea what I would do without that boy!

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