Chapter 2

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James POV

Today was the day i finally get to see her. I have missed her so much. Rose is still my first love. I still remember the day i left her. She was so heartbroken. But now i can fix it all because of Luther. Luther is my boss and best friend. Always has been. And now i get to see her. My phone soon started ringing.
"James. She's coming today. I want u to be there in case any thing happens to me. And if it does give her the disk. It has every thing she needs to know on it. And this is your chance to get her back. It was my fault you broke up and now i want to fix it. So follow us every where we go. Got it?" said Luther.
"Yes sir."
"James stop with the sir stuff remember we are best friends. But have to go they are pulling up be here in 10 minutes so you leave when we leave."
"Ok Luther See you soon."

****Time Skip(to at the club)****

Luther and Rose just pulled up to his favorite club Dim Light. The name sucked but it was still a cool club. So when they walked in he followed. The bouncer knew not to stop him because of who he was. So soon as he was inside he looked for Rose. He found her soon enough. She was beautiful. Her hair and eyes made her unique. Her hair was a blackish gray. While her eyes where blue and gray. She was perfect. I wanted to talk to her but I knew it wasn't time yet. I watched as she walked onto the dance floor. As I watched her I didn't notice Luther walking my way.
"We're about to leave after the next song so be ready."
"Ok." I said.
So Luther walked back to their spot and waited for her to come back to him. As he turned back to the dance floor he saw her dancing and remember all the times they use to dance together. He missed those moments. She soon was done and came running off the stage. She ran to Luther. And I knew right away she was going to get him to dance with her. Soon they both were walking onto the dance floor. And as they danced I saw how happy she was. Her eyes sparkled with joy. She was back at home again. She always felt that way when she danced. Soon though like always the song ended. They came running off the stage and out the door. I walked after them. When I walked out side I saw Rose standing there waiting for him to get to the car. But before he could make it he was shot. I was about to run until she got there before me. As I watched them I knew it was my time to come back. I called a ambulance even though i knew he wouldn't make it. After that I walked over behind a car closest to them. I heard the last words she said.
"I will find who did this. Bye brother. I love you Rest In Peace."
She's right we will find who did this. Together we will get our revenge.

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