Chapter One.

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Lethal: Ch. 1

"Alright, dad. I got this." I fixed my tie as my dad stared directly into my eyes. "I just don't want you to miss out on this opportunity, you little shit." His flaming red hair was flying all over the place and I stifled a laugh.

"He's fine." My father's voice boomed through the room as he stepped through the doorway. Even at 47, my father Nikolai Culkin still caused heads to turn his way. Even at 43, my biological father was still an insane man who was oblivious to the attention he gathered in public. Everyone thought he was a single man by the way he acted but best believe, my father put a stop to that.

I shuddered at the thoughts in my mind.

"Shut up Nikolai, no one asked you." Dominic turned back to me with his best father glare. "If you don't come back to this apartment with a job, I'm kicking you out." He put a hand on his hip and I rolled my eyes. "You're not my landlord." I grumbled and he raised a brow. "But damn sure, Dominic the Great is helping you pay the rent right?" He gave me that look like he was daring me to challenge him.

Knowing him all my 23 years of life, I know not to take him on his offer because he has his ways of putting me in my place.

"You're right padre." I winked at him as my father Nikolai walked over to him and wrapped a arm around him. "Go on, Eli. Your sister is waiting for you. I'll take care of him." I nodded to him and gave them a hug before looking at myself in the mirror.

"Damn, I'm sexy." I winked at myself and Dominic made a noise of gratitude. "That's my son right there." He smirked at me and Nikolai shook his head. "Go before he gets too cocky." I whistled to them as I walked out of the door and headed to my car.

"Hey there baby." I said to my beautiful Ford truck. It was a nice navy blue and it had the shine of a new car, which it was. This was my gift from my parents when I graduated from college, excelling.

Walk that walk like you don't give a fuck 

"Hello?" I said into my phone as I pulled out of the parking spot and made my way downtown. "Hey Eli, where are you? Your interview is in 30 minutes." My sister Melody Culkin screamed into the phone. "Damn girl, don't take my ear off." My parents adopted her when I was 6 and she was 4. They fell in love with her at first sight and they wanted me to have a sibling to grow up with. Her name was already given to her so they gave her Nikolai's last name. She was a lot like my father Nikolai while I was a mixture of them both but I catered more towards Dominic's side.

Being around him for twenty-three years straight did that to you.

"I'm on my way," I sighed. "I just left. Why are you in such a hurry anyway?" I asked and she huffed through the phone. "We need to make sure you can leave a good impression on the boss. He's very hard to please and I don't want you to mess up." Melody whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Just who do you think I am?" I raised a brow, knowing she couldn't see it. "The boss will love me. Now, I will be there in ten minutes. Don't have a heart attack, okay?" I teased and hung up before she could say anything. Melody acted like I couldn't be a sweet person and get on the good side of everyone.

I'm sure the boss of whatever company she referred me to, will be smitten by me. You couldn't help but love me when you first met me. I just had that lovable aura, not courtesy of Dominic. 

There wasn't any traffic, thank you Jesus, so it was easy for me to find the building. Melody didn't give me the name of the company but she described it as the biggest building downtown and from the looks of it, this was it. Seriously, it was a tall skyscraper that had many buildings from the looks of it and the windows were made of the finest glasses. The color of the building was a sky blue and the name of it was at the very top.

It intimidated me.

I followed the driving trail and it led me to a parking garage with many cars. I parked my car in the spot across from a red Aston Martin DB9. "Holy hell, the person who owns that car must be loaded as shit!" I exclaimed, turning off my car and grabbing my briefcase and portfolio.

Melody had told me to bring my briefcase with everything in it, as if I had gotten the job. I haven't even had the interview yet so there were things she wasn't telling me. It was fine because I needed a job to keep myself financially stable. 

I had gotten out of the car with my stuff and headed inside the glass door that greeted me. It was so spacious and beautiful inside the building as if the person took their time making it. "Can I help you?" I had my head down as I walked to the reception desk.

"Hi, I'm Eli." I said to a woman with blond hair and brown eyes. She was really pretty. She stared up at me for a second before turning around and walking off in a different direction.

Okay then.

Suddenly, sweet, middle-aged lady with brown hair and blue eyes walked up to me. "My name is Arielle Sanchez and I'll be taking care of you." I narrowed my eyes at her like I knew her from somewhere. "If you'll come with me to my office, I can begin the process." I got up and followed her to her office which was 5 levels up.

Lord knows how many stories this building goes up to. "So tell me about yourself." She grinned at me as we stood in the elevator. "My name is Eli Kaylor, um I'm 23. I graduated a few months ago from college and I'm looking to become a graphic art designer. I'm hoping this job will help me boost myself." I explained and she nodded.

"You sound like an educated young man." She smiled up at me and I nodded. Of course I was. You didn't get anywhere in life without getting educated.

"This will only be a short interview, Eli." Arielle said and I smirked. "It probably won't be a interview..." She mumbled to herself but I heard her. "We've already looked at your portfolio and your background so there isn't any reason why we shouldn't let you work here." She nodded but I knew there was something she wasn't telling.

As we headed down the hall of the fifth level, I couldn't help but wonder. What was she trying to say? Who is she to this company? Why am I not being interviewed by the boss?

"I'm the CEO's secretary. I take care of all the new people coming in and I tell him who it is and he'll tel me whether or not, he agrees with my decision," She read my thoughts and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Most of the time, he does." Arielle beamed as she opened the door to her office.

Good god, the place was like a office castle! There were big leathered sofas against the walls, there were two big glass windows which you could see the whole city, a cherry desk that sat in the middle of the room with several swivel chairs around it.

"Damn." I muttered to myself and she winked at me. "Nice, isn't it?" I nodded in response as she told me to take a seat. I sat down and so did she, and she had this twinkle in her eye like she knew something I didn't. 

"I've taken some glances at your portfolio," She gestured to the one I gave her on the way up. "I think the boss will like what you have to offer. I mean, you are really talented!" Arielle acknowledged my love for art and I blushed red in the cheeks. "He's already seen everything you have to give and he agrees with it." She stated and I looked at her in confusion.

She hasn't said the boss's name but I'm not going to worry about that right now. "Well, I like what you have so far." She clapped and I knew it was over. What kind of interview was this? What monkey show were they running around here?

"You can go ahead and leave now, Mr. Kaylor." I rolled my eyes inside my head at the thought of being called by my dad. "Don't I need to know whether or not I got the job?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, you got it." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Are you the one that determines if I get the job or not?" She nodded. "The CEO trusts me with the new recruits."

"Who's my new boss?" I questioned, not understanding why she was telling me and not the person in charge. "Shouldn't I have to meet him?" Arielle smiled at me, her eyes glistening with humor.

"No, he told me you've already met lots of time before." She stated and I glared at her in confusion. "Who?" I asked with a soft smile and she smirked. My heart started to beat as she opened her mouth, the words causing my blood to still, sweat to slide down my body and my heart to stop.

"The CEO of Viconatti Corp," She grinned, sensing my displeasure and fear. My smile started to fall at the result of her words.

"Alessandro Viconatti."

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