Chapter Fifteen.

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Keegan Allen as Jonathan Marsden. He'll be back in the epilogue. (Listen to the song while you're reading. That is the only thing I ask of you.)

Lethal: Ch. 15

"What did you just say to me?"

I narrowed my eyes at the girl in front of me, sitting on my couch and I watched as she sighed.

"What the hell do you mean this marriage is just a business scam?" I barked, horrified at how I acted when Alessandro told me he was married. "It's true. Alessandro and we don't love each other like he loves you, but we were forced into this deal or it meant that you would be killed as would my family." Kristiana muttered, looking away from my teary eyes.

"And we can't have that, can we?"

I made a face of confusion. "Who would force you guys to do something like this? No one in this day and age cares about gay people." I snorted and she let out a breath.

"I know. It's someone that you've probably never met in the timespan that you knew Alessandro. It's someone his mother has tried to keep away from her son. It's someone that has power over everyone in this city right now." Kristiana whispered lowly. "Who?" I asked, not being able to think of someone harmful that knew Alessandro.

"His father," Kristiana looked up, flinging her blond hair back. "Donatello Viconatti."

I raised my brow up in curiosity. "Donatello Viconatti?" I shook my head, letting her know that that name never came up in conversations. "Yeah, I bet you wouldn't have. How about the name, Mario Saporito?" She asked, and I nodded. "He's the head of the Roman mafia. What about him?" I folded my arms, wanting her to get along with what she was here. "Well, Mario Saporito is in fact Donatello Viconatti, Alessandro's father." She sighed and I gaped at her for minutes.

Hoooooooly shit.

Hoooooooly fuck.

The father of the man that I was in love was apart of a mafiosi and he could easily kill me at any time?

Yeah, sorry Alessandro. You're on your own with this one.

I sighed, prepared to tell Kristiana to leave because I was not going to get involved with someone who probably already had the blueprints of my death over the sake of love. "He's also the reason why Alessandro is married to me." She began. "I knew Alessandro for five years and I didn't know he had a father. I didn't even know he had connections to the mafiosi."

"We became friends because I was outside of a bar, crying because I didn't have enough money to get treatment and it was clear that it was the end." She muttered solemnly and closed her eyes, a tear making its way down her cheek.

"Treatment for what?" I asked. "I had cervical cancer and it had spread all over up to my stomach and by the time I had realized that something was wrong, the doctor told me it was too late for him to save me and because I didn't have the money, I couldn't even humor myself to get any medicine." Kristiana stated, sniffling.

"Alessandro found me crying and he comforted me. He told me that it was going to be okay and that I shouldn't think so negatively about a situation like that." She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, smiling. "You really found someone good, didn't you Eli?" She grinned. "That was the best day ever. We went into the bar and had a couple of drinks, acting like that night was our last. He told me about how he was in love with a guy and how he planned to tell him his feelings. I didn't think that it would be you, but it was."

"The next day, he called me and told me that he had screwed up his one and only shot because you were gone without a trace. That was also the same day Donatello returned. What a evil man he is!" She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. He kidnapped me, Ms. Viconatti as well as Alessandro and told me that I had to marry his son or he would kill everyone of my family members in the most gruesome way possible while forcing me to do it and then he would let his men rape me and torture me but he wouldn't let me die. I had to agree. He told Alessandro that same thing to but Alessandro didn't really care because you were gone and he had no one of importance to him." Kristiana ran a hand through her hand. "Donatello also beat his former wife into submission and threatened her to kill her if she told anyone. That's the power of the mafiosi."

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