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            What defines the term ‘empty’? It means to contain nothing; not filled or occupied. Lacking meaning or sincerity. To have no value or purpose. Then, emptiness must mean the state of containing nothing. The quality of lacking meaning or sincerity. The quality of having no value or purpose. Could all of this be reflected in a human being? Of course it can. It’s what these gentlemen were feeling. Painfully empty; depressingly empty. Like a hollow container that used to be filled with the livelihood of good memories. Feeling empty hurts a lot, and you can’t avoid it. You have to face it, whether you like it or not.

            The moment when she exhaled her last breath, the last beep before it became a flat line, was supposed to be the Golden Second. The Golden Second is where the chance of a miracle is at its highest. It’s where a miracle should happen actually. Everyone’s hope was beyond their optimum point, way beyond. They insisted that a miracle would happen. They insisted that Ally would come back. Instead, they had to face the fact that she did the exact opposite. Literally no one expected that this is how they end their unique relationship. What else could they do anyways? They wished they could bring her back to life, but they had to do the right thing. If they lover her, then let her go.

            Beep… Beep…… Beep……… Beeeeeeeeepppppppp…….

            “No, please don’t. Please don’t. Come on, Ally. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Don’t go. I still haven’t kept my promise. Please. I- You- Just- No, please, don’t do this to me.” Andy sobbed,

            “Andy, let her go.” Cubbie softly murmured, but immediately regretted saying that. He didn’t mean that. He didn’t want to let her go. No thank you. Why did he say that? What’s wrong with him? That sounded totally wrong. She’s not worth letting go off. He’s an such idiot sometimes. He doesn’t want to let his little girl go. He felt that all the love and care that he shared came to a waste. This time, it’s his left eye that leaked first. Tears of pure sadness and pain. Why would he let her go? Will she let her go if this she was in his shoes? That question may forever remain a mystery. What did Cubbie just say to her about not leaving them? Wasn’t that said on the same day? Out of all the other possibilities the universe has provided, why this one?

            No one in that room had the heart to pull Andy away from her. No one. He needs to calm down anyways. They all need to.

            AJ was starting to freak out again. He was shaking and was pulling on his hair. The beep was killing him. “Turn it off! Turn it off!”

            Gordon flicked it off, “Time of death… Seven thirty… Date… Second of June…”

            Death, Ryan said in his mind. The state of being dead or no longer alive. That’s just pathetic. He just got to spend two years with the woman of his dreams. It took him eleven years, from the moment his eyes first landed on her, just to get to that stage. The stage where he gets to fall in love with her every single day over and over again without making himself look like a creep. He gets to make other girls in this planet jealous of her. That’s the best thing that has ever happened to him, but he couldn’t do it anymore. He sighed and let the half of him be taken away with her. He could no longer wake up next to her any longer, which used to be his favorite thing to do in the morning. Even worst, he could no longer feel her passionate and warm love towards him. He doesn’t get why she could fall in love with him back. He could be really annoying sometimes, a douche bag. For God’s sake, he came home drunk the night she still mourns about her late mother and she still forgives him. No female in his life, has ever done this to him. He doesn’t deserve a beautiful girl like her.

The Foster Kid (Epilogue) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now