I was waiting for Kiley at the airport. I heard yelling, then I saw a almost puppy-like dog with his paws on my thighs.
"Hi Finn, it's very nice to meet you. Sit." I said, and he did as he was told. "Now shake." He lifted his paw up and rested it on my hand. I laughed at him. Then I saw Kiley running towards me. I also saw that the leash she was holding had a harness on it.
"Goddamn dog, he's always getting out of his harness. I'm surprised he ran right towards you." She said, breathing heavily. I picked up the dog and held him like he was a baby.
"He's so cute. And me and him had a formal introduction." I smiled at the dog and nuzzles his neck.
"Just wait until he gets to the house..." She mumbled.
I helped her put the harness back on him. When we finished I put my arm around her shoulder, which was difficult because I was shorter than her.
"So, how was it without me? Boring huh?" She said smugly.
"Actually, I went on a couple dates, got married, had nine kids." We laughed together. "How was Virginia?"
"Ugh! Don't get me started!" She started ranting about her time in what she called 'the place for white boys with lawyer dads, and white girls with sluts for moms'
Actually what I think of Virginia.
So long