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"Your who the what now?!" Terra asked in disbelief.

"It's okay. I'm not evil anymore. I'm not like my father." Rose told her hoping she'd believe her.

"Slade doesn't have children! That's insane. Who the hell are you really?!"
Terra yelled angrily, light flashing in her eyes.

"He must of not told you a lot huh?" Rose said smirking. "He had three children."

"What? How?"

"Grant Wilson was his first child. I was his second. And Joseph was his third. You may know him as Jericho."
I didn't bother laying this information on her carefully. She needed to know.

"Jericho? I know one Jericho and it can't be him." Terra scoffed.

"He's a Honorary Teen Titan isn't he?"

Terra nodded and said nothing.

"And Grant is dead. That's a story for another time." Rose continued.


"Yes yes I know you have your questions. And I have the answers. But we need to go somewhere else." Rose cut her off and turned around.

"Why?" Terra put her hands on her hips.

"Because this is sensitive information." Rose pulled off her hood. "You live alone?"

"Yeah. Just down the block." Terra said slowly as Rose turned back to her.

"Let's go." She said with a glint in her eye. The other eye, covered by a eye patch.

"Visiting hours are over for today.  You can come back tomorrow." The nurse guided them to the door.

She closed the door to Beastboy's room behind them. 
Nodding and walking away.

"Well?" Cyborg asked Starfire.

"Well what?" Starfire responded lost in thought.

"Do you believe Beastboy's story? Has Raven truly returned?"

"I.... Believe friend Beastboy would not lie." Starfire told him firmly.

"Yeah I know but what if it was all some dream huh? How will we ever know for sure?" Cyborg asked a bit frantic.

"Please don't stress yourself Victor. If Raven is truely back, we will know." Starfire comforted.

"Your right. You ready to go home?" Cyborg asked,  but in that moment the hospital Tvs lit up with breaking news.

"This just in! Terror down at Bludhaven's Downtown docks! We've just been informed that the masked figure known as Nightwing-"

Cyborg swiftly unplugged the nearest TV. "Star? You okay?"

"I'm fine." She pulled up her Hoodie. "Let's go."


Nightwing made his way down to the docks as fast as his acrobatic flips would take him.

  A shipment from A new company called Powers Technology Was coming in,  But there was a certain item among the shipment, He had to obtain before they left the docks.

Multiple Gaurds posted at all sides. He almost sighed.

Nightwing tossed an explosive at the far side of the docks,  away from the shipment.

He smiled when it exploded and three quarters of the guards left to check it out. 

Nightwing jumped down Into the shadows and roughly counted the remaining guards guarding the shipment. 

He hated doing this. But he had no choice.
He rolled a smoke bomb at them and waited to make his jump.

"Wonder What that explosion was about." One of the guards said to the other.

"Yeah. Crazy things has been happing ever since that,  Nightwing guy showed up." another scoffed.

"At least the Roxy Tec is doing something about it."

"I know. Isn't that great?"

Nightwing growled. Slade was making him look like the Villian and himself the savior!

But it all about Control. Money was power in this city

"What the?..." The smoke bomb rolled up to a gaurds foot. 

Nightwing pounced as the smoke filled the air. He rolled past the guards,  kicked down the shipment box,  grabbed the item and grappled away In under 10 seconds.

"Uh, what just happened?" One guard asked as the smoke cleared.

"That was my question." An official looking guard walked up to them with a trail of the others guards behind him.

"What happened here?" He demanded with an angry expression as he eyed the empty broken shipment box.

"I..I-don't know Sir, there was an explosion and then their was smoke and then it was gone!" The guard sputtered.

"Anyone else see anything?" He sighed.

"I did." One of the guards from the back stepped forward. "I kinda saw a figure through the smoke."

"What did Did he look like?"

"I saw black, and I think blue?.. "

The guard in command furrowed his eyebrows at this.

"Nightwing."  He growled. "I'm tried of this ! This criminal must be stopped. Send out search parties, notify the commissioner,  the media, Nobody rests till he is brought to justice!!"

"Yes Sir!" 

The guard in command turned around.  "There's no where to hide that I won't find. You will be stopped,  whoever you are."

Nightwing gulped from his perch atop of a nearby tower. 

With the whole city after him, and Slade's missions keeping him from going into hiding, there was no way he wasn't going to get caught.

"At least it will end it all...." Nightwing thought.

But it was only just the beginning...

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