The Undead

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Terra closed the door to her apartment behind them. "So uh, what happened to your eye?"

"Oh this? " she gave sad laugh.
"I stabbed myself in the eye. I know, it's crazy. But.. I had this stupid fight with my dad.. And I was drunk and angry and I screamed something along the lines of, If you want me to be like you so badly-, And just stabbed my eye so now we match. Kinda sick right?" She chuckled sarcastically.

Terra grimminaced.  "Yeah... well at least you didn't throw him In a pit of boiling lava." She laughed nervously.

"Wait you did what?" Rose sat up angrily.

Terra realzied her mistake. "Wait, well I-"

"Just kidding." Rose winked. "As much of a asshole piece of shit as he is, as long as he's alive I'm fine."

Terra sighed instantly. "Your the asshole."

"Funny." She smirked. "Okay let's talk bussiness. " Rose straightened up. "Nightwing. formerly Robin, has been in the hands of my father for about 3 years."

Terra gasped. "Nightwing is Robin? Wait how?-"

"Blackmail.  Slade pretty much owns all of Bludhaven through Rory Tec. He has all the power. And He's making Nightwing do his bidding or else..." Rose trailed off.

"That's terrible oh gosh.. But where do we come in?" Terra shivered.

"I can't stand this anymore. My father has been controlling and making him suffer far too long. He needs to go down. It's time to put a end to this once and for all." She looked into the light.

"Why do you even care?" Terra scoffed.

"Why? The Titans indirectly killed my Brother and that's why Slade came after your team. He took a interest In Robin and left me in the dust. I used to be the pride of Slade's heart. But I've seen that Slade isnt worth me groveling for his approval. And I want to get Nightwing out because I can't stand to see it anymore." She sighed heavily.  "We need a plan."

"I might be able to help with that."

Both girls spun immediately to the sound the voice behind them in the window.

"Who the hell-?!" Terra stated angrily

The figure brushed a sliver lock out of his face. "I'm a friend."


"Master Wayne this is utterly ridiculous" Alfred insisted.

"Second it!" Oracle yelled from her chair.

"I have to be sure. I refuse to spend the rest of my life...not knowing. Ra's al Ghul will pay for what he's done." Bruce scowled as he pulled his cowl over his head.

"Please be careful." Alfred pleaded and Orcale nodded.
"Its way dangerous so just call me if you need anything." She added.

Batman nodded and jumped into the batmobile. Tires screeched. He was gone.

Jason was back. And he intended to figure out just how. After digging up Jason's grave and finding a dummy instead of a body, Bruce would stop at nothing to find Ra's al Ghul. After his first Son...and now Jason.. he would do everything in his power to make it right.

He just wished he could do more for Richard... but he's long gone to the dark side. Nothing controlling his mind this time. He was lost. But maybe..just maybe he could find Jason again.

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