The plan

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"So what have you been doing all this time Victor?" Starfire inquired as they walked the halls of the empty Tower.

"Not alot." He said heavily. "Just kinda living here.. maintaining the tower.. maybe stop a crime or so on my way to the store. The crime rate has gone down alot in Jump city ever since... ya know. What about you?" Cyborg asked eager to take the subject off him.

"I've been ruling my planet and keeping it safe. I've come back on... gorlopos. What you call Vac-ation." Starfire told him proudly.

"Oh that's so awesome Kori!" Cyborg exclaimed as walked into the main control room and jumped at the figure that stood before them.

"What the-" Cyborg aimed his sonic cannon and starfire drew star bolts.

The cloaked figure raised her hands. "Woah."

"Raven?" Starfire asked in disbelief.

She tossed back her hood. "Hi guys." She spoke softly. She had grown out her hair. Long violet locks flowed down to her chest. She wore leather black boots, and a shorter dark violet cloak.

"RAVEN!" Starfire ran to crush her in a huge hug.

Raven just let her hug her this time. It's been a long time ..

"Star let her breathe." Cyborg chuckled. "I suppose you've heard about Beastboy's recovery?"

"You could say that." She winked as Starfire moved off her.

Her eyes sparkled and Cyborg's smile was wide. He had missed much... and would do anything to get it back to the way it had long ago. He hadn't told anyone but he wanted to murder Slade. He took his friends, his family.. they were his everything.. one day he'd make him pay..


The piece of stolen technology was sat on his desk with a thud.

"Good job." Slade looked at it. "Your dismissed for the day."

Nightwing sighed and turned.

"Whole city is looking for you. Careful." Slade said mockingly.

"And who's fault is that?!" Nightwing snapped back. Anger boiled in his system.

"Don't. Talk back to me young man." Slade eyed him.

"Why? Is that part of the deal? Me to respect a murderer?"

"As I recall all the recent murders have been by you." Slade toyed with the tec on the table.

"Because you ordered it!" Nightwing fummed. "Your making me seem like the bad guy and your the savior of the city!"

"Aw it looks like you have a problem with that. Tough." He stood. "You do what I say, or face the consequences. I admire your spirit but it annoys me." Slade slapped his face.

Nightwing fell out of surprise.

"Get out. Before I beat you half to death." Slade turned and Nightwing disappeared.

Nightwing sat atop a perch. It's been years. Slade had broken his hope of escape but not his spirit. He'd heard of Beastboy's recovery and it gave him hope for a better future. He had no idea it was so close.


"I'm a friend."

"I said. Who. The hell. are you?" Terra grabbed his throat and shoved him into the window.

"Woah woah hey now." He lifted his hands in surrender. "I don't mean any harm.

"No one breaks into my appartment and gets-"

"I believe what's she trying to say." Rose interrupted. "Is she won't let you out of that choke hold untill you tell us who you are." She placed a hand on Terra's shoulder which in return she got a scowl.

"What choke hold?" He kicked and flipped Terra onto her back." He grinned.

Terra's eyes flashed yellow. "What the-?"

Rocks surrounded him and cuffed him to theground."Hey! What kind of evil demon sorcery magic jumbo is this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Terra.."

"Okay fine. My Name is Jason Todd and-"

"Liar! He's been dead for months. " Terra raised her hand.

"Let's hear him out." Rose sighed. "He has been dead though. Jason todd was in a freak accident, a building blew up and they couldn't even find a body..."

"Yeah because Ra's al Ghul took it." Or Robin's body." He shrugged.

"Robin?.." Terra asked softly.

"Okay long story short, I was killed but as Robin, Robin secret identity, is Jason todd, blah blah, evil clown blew me up, evil old dude brought me back to life, and I've heard about my older bro going dark and I wanna help." Jason breathed. "Let me go now?"

Terra realised him. "How are we supposed to know your telling the truth?"

"He is." She circled him. "I know Ra's. He would do something like this. My father worked for him before he decided to overthrow him and got stabbed in the eye."

"Finally." Jason sighed. So what's the plan?"

"Well I do have a idea..." Rose trailed off. "Its kinda crazy but it could work."

Rose whispered in Terra's ear. "Have you lost your mind?" She shouted. "I love it. Let's do it."

"Do wait what now?" Jason raised a eyebrow.

Rose winked. "Suit up."


Okay I know it's been 2 years and I'm just starting to update this again...but hey im back...dont kill me? -cc7

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