A Letter From Nature

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I had clean air; and a million trees,
Beautiful flowers, fluttering in the breeze.
Pure drinking water; and little animals and birds,
Oh! I was well adorned, and too pretty for words.

Then came you humans, full of selfishness and spite,
You destroyed my beauty, almost overnight.
You polluted water; you cut down my trees,
To make the atmosphere impure, you set up factories.

You threw garbage and dumped land,
You used up all that was in reach of your hand.
You didn't allow my poor minerals to get renewed,
You thought you're the only one on Earth, who is smart and shrewd.

My humble request to you is, please don't make this mistake,
Or all life on Earth will be at stake.
Don't pollute on basis of land, water, air or noise,
To make, or mar your planet, is your choice.

I shall just say humans, save your good stature,
Heed my words to improve, love, Nature.


This poem was written for a competition for 'Environmental Day' in our school.

How was it?? I hope you liked it!!
And the message from nature reached you.

Thanks for reading.
Love ya,

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