A challenge to Fate

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Just a 'free form' of poetry. It's kinda funny I can say. Since I'm soliloquizing with my own Fate.. Its kinda like Love-Hate relationship with fate!!!

 Have fun reading and pls don't think I've gone mad after that......:p

You give me pain
You give me troubles
But I'm not the one to give up
I'm not the one to back-off!!!

I know my smiles your weakness, Fate!!
And that's my strenght.
Give me a zillion challenges
I'll face it  laughing!
And come up even stronger than before.
Stronger than you could've expected!!!

What do you think?
You can weaken me,
Get me to accept that I'm a loser....
No I'll never!!!

You might pretend to hate me 
Fill my life with miseries
You can concote coincidences 
to lead to my sadness!

But behind that mask of conspiracy
I can't help but wonder....
Do you Love me???
Because you can bring out the best in me.... Always!!

Oh! I'm never going to accept my defeat!
Just to make sure your attempts don't die in vain,
I'll always go ahead,
If possible with the smile that you love so much!!

Sorry for publishing and unpublishing so many times, there's some kind of problem happening with the line spacing. I hope it got fixed at least now

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