The Shade

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Poem dedicated to 'Judgmental people'.
I'm just a girl in the shade,
Just the girl who cares,
I wait, unseen in the shadow,
I see everything that's happening,
I am the person who observes,
Just the person who adapts,
The person whose sword is at the ready,
The person who will wait for time to come,
I wait, as I see the sands of time
Slip through my hand,
I'm hard, I'm brave,
But I'll wait in the shade.....
As I don't want to be seen, nor be judged,
By the people who do not care,
Who wait to kick the men who are already down,
Don't think I'm hiding,
For what you see now, is what you expect,
But what happens next,
Only time can express.....
So I keep waiting.....
Waiting in the shade, for the perfect time,
The perfect time to reveal who I really am.

I don't really understand why do people want yo judge everyone, as if they're perfect. Its super annoying really.
And sadly, I'm really scared of being judged for what I'm not.

Love ya,
Take care!!!

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