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Never give up on what you love.

That's it. No need for eloquence or length, just that. And, yes, this is different from 35! How? There's more to it, that's how! Read for yourself.

I'll tell you what, though, some of the updates feel very natural in writing to me, but this one was quite difficult. I know, it's not original, but it's very important, it's very personal.

I told you in the description and in the author's note way back in the very beginning that these were philosophies that defined how I live my life. With this one, though, I can prove it.

Never give up on what you love. I love writing. I write short stories! And little philosophical tidbits. And... What was that other one? Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot! Poetry. Ladies and gentlemen, I will now be updating "A Heart At War" again! It needs some major renovation, though, so expect content, but not familiarity!

I won't give up on what I love. How about you?

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