Who Do You Think You Are

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O M G Guys...... I LIKE PANCAKES!!!!!!! Oooh, Chapter two??

Kellin's POV

Jaime's body drifted south slowly, lazily bobbing once in a while. I didn't even really like him to be honest. He wasn't my type. To stalky, smelled like a mexican barber shop, his laugh was obnoxious, and he dressed like a blind four-year-old. What did it matter anymore. He won't be missed by me.

I drove until I saw some ghetto hotel sign lit; well actually it said "H T L", but I decided to stay for a few hours. A few hours of sleep couldn't hurt, right?

I got the key to my room and went inside, crashing on the bed before me, which smelled of bleach and sadness. everything smelled like sadness to me, everything was sad. I was sad. Always. But that didn't stop me from being who I am. A bad person....... but also a professional thief and wanted murderer. It didn't look too good for my future with an actual life, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was getting my daughter back.

Two years ago, I had a lovely wife, Katelynne. She was my entire life, my world y one and only. until I found out two things: one, I am a flaming homo, and two, she's slightly psychotic. We had a lovely daughter together, Copeland. I love her more than anything in this world;she's so perfect...

I don't see her anymore, and haven't in almost a year. Katelynne took her from me. Why, you wonder?  You see, the thing about Katelynne is that she gets what she wants. Always. No exceptions, and if there are she goes bat-shit crazy. This is our issue now. She wants me to be straight; to love her and her only. I told her I couldn't change that, tht we could still be close friends for Cope's sake. But no. She wanted me to be able to kiss her without making a face. She wanted me to be hers. 

However, there was one thing she wanted more than me.

Shiny, expensive things.

The amulet of Aphroditi, Queen Elizabeth the third's crown jewels, all the things she couldn't have. Other than me of course. But her proposal seemed too good t pass up.

"Steal the things I want, you get Copeland. All yours, no visitation from me, even give her a second daddy, but not until I get what I want. Capisce?"

I looked at the list she made me before I left. Ten things, scattered across the US, in museums and art gallerys. I had nine of the ten things, the last thing being JFK's wife's wedding ring. It was a lovely silver band with white diamonds scatterd cross the top. She had a similar one from me, but there was only one diamond in it. I had to figure out where it was, and soon.

I couldn't say no. I wanted my baby more than anything. I couldn't pass it up, so I started my life of crime. 

I rolled over on my side, looking out at the San Diego alleyway, seeing rats scurrying through puddles, homeless people conversing in the corner, but i couldn't help but see a figure right next to my window.....

Vic's POV

He saw me. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, he saw me. I had my little revolver drawn and loaded, ready to catch this criminal. I was so ready to be known by the public, I was shaking in my Vans. I turned and shot myself at the window, attempting to break through like a badass.

Unfortunately for me, I bounced off the glass, landing in a puddle of mud, deffinitely catching his eye. He opened the window and looked at me, seeing my revolver on my far left. He stepped ooutside, and grabbed it, aiming at me. "The fuck, dude?" He questioned. I was shaking more then before,  the fear of death settling in my bones. Wait, did he just ask me 'the fuck'?

"I asked you a question, vigalante freak! You wanna die tonight, or what?" I shook my head as quickly as I could, feeling my eyes water. I was so fucking scared, I couldn'tcontain it.

He held his hand out to help me up, or at least I thought he was. I stood up, looing at the ground around me. He yanked my arm towards him and pulled me into his hotel room and threw me on the floor, pinning me. "You think I'd let you leave after your pitiful attempt to kill me? Ha, no." He spat at me, making me flinch. He reached over to a duffle bag, unzipping it and pulling out a rope, which he wrapped around me multiple times, tying a really tight knot around me.

"Lets see how easily you break..." he said sinisterly, whipping out a switchblade knife. He ran the blade over my jugular veil, making my eyes water again. I opened my mouth to speak when there was a loud knocking at the door. "Bottswick, we found you." yelled the person, who I assumed to be a police officer. The man, who I knew as 'Kellin,' smirked as he, with one hand, loaded the duffle bag with the things around him. As he got up, yanking the ropes around me up so I went up with him. We climbed out the window we came in through, walking through the shadows of the cold November night. 

He threw the duffle bag in the back of a blue truck, and forced me into the passenger seat. He slid into drivers side, starting up the truck and taking off, full speed. He went around the back entrance, onto the highway.

While he drove, he held out his hand to me. "Hi, my name's Kellin Quinn, and you're my new friend, 'kay?" He said, smiling. I glared at him, wiggling my restrained arms. He laughed. "Oh, yeah. Sorry."  he said as he continued on the highway. "What's your name?" He asked curiously. I shook my head, banging my torso against the door in hopes of it caving in and setting me free, but to no avail. This was going to be a long ride...


Hope you enjoyed this update.


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