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This is my second book of awesomeness.   And like I know its really good...cause lets facial it...I am awesome.  So like don't steal my shit...or I will hunt you down and fucking crucify you!

So by now you are thinking to your self... how is this shit Spiritual?   The answer is the fuck are you to judge what is or what is not Spiritual? 

Are you the spiritual Police on Padplace? are not.

But wait there's more...

  So I wrote this piece of shit because a couple of Door to Door Christians woke me the fuck up one day at like 10 am pounding on my door to share their good words.  So I shared my good words with them  "FUCK OFF!!!"  They didn't like that to much...and I didn't like them to much.  So they agreed to "Fuck off" before I beat the shit out of them with my baseball bat of hate.  I hate Door to Door Assholes peddling their give us money god.  God don't need my money...he's fucking God.  He don't need shit from me. 

Oh and if you want to talk shit and leave me stupid fucking messages about how much you hate me and shit

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Oh and if you want to talk shit and leave me stupid fucking messages about how much you hate me and shit...well there's a price to pay.  No vote, no comment.  

So if you get to say stupid shit.  If you don't vote...I will delete your comments and no one will know how much you hate me. 

So vote or shut up.  Your choice.  Ha ha ha...

And please take notice that this inspirational master piece is clearly marked MATURE.  That is by design and not a mistake.  So if you are an under-aged home schooled Compound Christian Cult Kid looking to fight the good fight for your Faith...this is not the place for you...or maybe it is.  

And the parents of Home Schooled Compound Cult Kids should not let their kids read this shit...let alone even be on the magic thinking machine unattended.  So be fore warned...enter at your own risk...and abandon all hope...cause you are about to enter Hell.  

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Deep thoughts & Stupid Sh*t for Door2Door Christians.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora